Chapter 28

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Andy and Robert had arrived at the station shortly before the start of the shift and when they went upstairs, they noticed that their little girl was there too. They were both confused as to why she was there since Vic and Maya were supposed to take her to kindergarten.

Camilla: "Good morning mom, good morning dad" she said as she went to them.

Andy: "Good morning my little one" she said as she picked her up but made a grimace of pain.

Camilla then wanted to go in her father's arms. "Good morning Dad"

Robert: "Good morning muñequita" he said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Shouldn't you be in kindergarten?"

Camilla: "It's not my fault, it's Aunt Vic and Aunt Maya's fault"

Andy: "What have you been up to?" she said turning to Maya and Vic.

Maya: "Nothing, we were a little late and we forgot to set the alarm"

Travis: "Wait a minute. Did you have a sleepover and you didn't invite me? It's not right"

Camilla: "Next time we will invite you too. Ohh and Aunt Carina cooked Italian last night, it was so good" she said poking her tongue out at Travis.

Travis: "Well, now I'm even more offended because you didn't call me"

Andy: "And what did Carina prepare?"

Camilla: "She made homemade pasta, I helped her too and then she taught me how to make sauce. You know mum.. now I can cook better than you" she said laughing as she hid in Robert's arms. Everyone else also burst out laughing.

Andy: "I can cook, Robert taught me" she said proudly and smiled.

Jack: "You weren't with them?" he asked Andy.

Before Andy could answer, Camilla replied. "Mom and Dad had a date like boyfriends do" she said proudly. "You know Uncle Jack, you should find yourself a girlfriend, mom is only dad's" she said crossing her arms with a very satisfied face.

Vic: "The voice of truth!"

Dean: "Cami, you just deserved an award for what you said"

Camilla: "Really? What?"

Dean: "What would you like?"

Camilla: "mmmhhh.. can I ask only one thing?"

Dean: "You can ask for anything you want all day long"

Camilla: "Well.. then.. now I would like a sandwich with your peanut butter that you don't let anyone eat"

Dean: "I'll do it right away"

Vic: "Really? Nobody can get close to his jars and instead to her.."

Dean: "She's a little girl and I told her she can have everything she wants today"

Camilla got Robert put on the floor and went to Dean. "Today Uncle Dean, you will be my favorite uncle"

Maya-Vic: "What about us?"

Camilla: "You are too, but today a little less. You didn't take me to kindergarten and I didn't see my boyfriend today" she said pouting.

Maya: "Sorry"

Andy: "You'll see him later, if you remember today he comes here to play with you"

Camilla: "Really?" Andy nodded and Robert rolled his eyes. "Then I forgive my aunts"

Meanwhile Dean had made Cami's sandwich and after giving it to her they sat around the table to finish breakfast. Andy as she sat down made another grimace of pain which obviously went unnoticed by everyone except Vic and Maya. Before sitting down for breakfast, Robert had coffee for himself and Andy.

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