Chapter 58

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When Andy and Robert woke up the next morning to go to the station, Camilla was still asleep and, as it was very early, they didn't want to wake her. While Andy and Robert were in the kitchen having breakfast, Ingrid walked into the house and joined them.

Ingrid: "Good morning"

Robert: "Good morning mom"

Andy: "Good morning" she said as she ate cookies soaked in milk.

Ingrid: "Is Cami still sleeping?"

Robert: "Yes. Today we are waiting for you for lunch at the station.."

Ingrid: "Are you sure we don't disturb?" Andy shook her head.

Robert: "Never disturb" he replied with a smile then turned to Andy. "Are you done with breakfast? We have to go.."

Andy: "No, I'm not done, I'm hungry"

Robert: "You ate all the time tonight, how can you still get hungry?"

Andy: "Are you saying I'm overeating and gaining weight?" she said with tears in her eyes.

Robert: "No, I'm not saying that. I just asked and.. ok, it doesn't matter. You know I love you osita"

Andy: "I love you too, osito" she replied smiling. "Ok, I'm done, we can go"

After taking their things, they got into the car and headed to the station. While they were in the car, Robert remembered something he hadn't told Andy the day before.

Robert: "I forgot to tell you something yesterday.."

Andy: "What? Tell me now "

Robert: "A new recruit is coming in today and I thought maybe I could be her mentor so that you don't get bored during the desk shifts, but... you have to promise me something"

Andy: "What?"

Robert: "That you won't get too tired and you will be careful"

Andy: "I promise and.. thanks for thinking of me to mentor the new recruit"

Robert: "I don't know anyone else who can fill this role" he replied with a smile.

Andy: "Could you stop? I'm not feeling well.." she said as she felt very nauseous.

Robert quickly pulled the car to the side of the road safely and Andy threw up everything she had eaten for breakfast and during the night as soon as she got out of the car. Robert quickly got out of the car and rushed over to Andy.

Robert: "How do you feel?"

Andy: "I'm better now" she said taking her handkerchief that Robert passed her to wipe her mouth.

Robert: "Now I'll take you home so you can rest all day"

Andy: "No, no, I don't want to go home. I'm fine now"

Robert: "Are you sure?"

Andy: "I'm sure" she said as she got into the car again with the help of Robert.

Robert: "It's just that I worry about you"

Andy: "I know. Do you think that if you took me home now and then you went to work you wouldn't be worried about me all day? Instead, if you stay at the station with you, maybe you would be a little less"

Robert: "Ok, you're right"

Andy: "Maybe I should have eaten fewer things tonight, but I was hungry and ate weird things"

The choice of the heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora