Chapter 91

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The trip to Seattle went well, the children slept, watched some cartoons and played without disturbing the other passengers. Alexander had also behaved well, fortunately he had cried a few times and Andy and Robert had managed to confuse him with various games. When they landed in Seattle, Jack was waiting for Clarissa and her children at the airport, holding a bouquet of flowers. Clarissa smiled as soon as she saw Jack and she walked over to him. Jack smiled back and then gave Clarissa the flowers.

Clarissa: "Thanks, the flowers are very beautiful" Jack smiled.

Anthony: "Mom, you should give Jack a kiss" Clarissa's eldest son said with a little laugh from everyone.

Clarissa and Jack exchanged a tender kiss and then Jack accompanied them to Andy and Robert's house. At the moment Clarissa together with her two children, Anthony and Elias, would have lived together with Andy and Robert in order to gradually get used to being together with Jack every day. Although they had all been able to rest during the trip, they still felt quite tired due to the time difference. Once they got home, Andy showed Clarissa the rooms so that they could calmly settle down and even rest for a while. Ingrid and Pruitt took their bags and went to the annex, while Andy nursed Alexander and Robert got on the sofa and after a few minutes they fell asleep. After Andy finished breastfeeding Alexander saw Camilla and Robert together and decided not to disturb them and together with Alexander went to the bedroom. Alexander was stuck to his mother and they fell asleep too. To recover from the time zone, they all slept all afternoon and when they woke up it was almost dinner time. Clarissa didn't want to be a nuisance to Andy and Robert so when she woke up, without making too much noise, she went to the kitchen to see if there was anything for dinner. Since they had been away for a week in the house there wasn't much food so Clarissa called Jack to get recommendations for some takeaway places. Jack helped Clarissa and then she invited him to dinner with them. When Andy reached Clarissa, she helped her set the table.

Clarissa: "I hope you don't mind if I ordered dinner and.. I also invited Jack"

Andy: "No problem and you did well to invite him. Here you have to feel at home, so make Jack come whenever you want"

Clarissa: "Thanks, but I don't want to disturb you too much. You know, for dinner I asked him for help, I don't even know where to order food here"

Andy: "Don't bother, don't worry" she replied giving her a wink. "Tomorrow as we go shopping, I'll tell you which are the best places for takeout and other things as well" Clarissa nodded.

After everyone woke up and Jack arrived, they sat down at the table and ate dinner together. After dinner, Jack stayed a little longer with Clarissa and the children and then went back to his house. The next day Robert went back to work while Andy, since he had to stay home another week before returning to work, went with Clarissa to the mall. While they were out shopping, Ingrid and Pruitt looked after the children. Andy and Clarissa, since they were alone, took the opportunity to talk a bit.

Clarissa: "I'm so afraid something might go wrong" she said in a worried tone.

Andy: "I understand you very well, I thought the same thing when I started dating Robert, I was terrified, but then it went well. You do not have to be in a hurry and you will see that everything will be fine. Jack is a good person and I'm sure he won't rush you" she said trying to reassure her and Clarissa nodded.

Clarissa: "Thanks Andy" she replied smiling. "I have something to confess and I'm a little ashamed, but I have to talk to someone about it"

Andy: "What is it about?"

Clarissa: "About sex. I haven't had sex for almost two years, the last time was with my ex-husband" she confessed embarrassed.

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