Chapter 23

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Andy's alarm clock went off shortly after dawn because his shift started early. Trying not to wake Robert, she got ready and after having breakfast she went to get Cami and put her in bed with Robert. The little girl immediately curled up on Robert and Andy, before leaving, took a picture. She was the first to arrive at the station and after she changed she sent the photo she had taken of Robert with the words "I love you". Andy was delighted to see that photo on the phone that she didn't realize the rest of the team had arrived and was trying to talk to her but getting no response. Maya then picked up Andy's phone to see what was so important that she kept her gaze fixed on the phone.

Maya saw the photo of Robert and Cami. "I thought it was a sexy photo of your man or a sexy photo of you two together"

Andy: "Hey! I don't have and I don't take pictures like that"

Maya: "Well.. you should"

Vic: "He doesn't need pictures of her when he has that real man all to himself" and high-fives Maya.

Andy: "Faila finished"

Travis: "What photo was that?"

Maya: "A photo of Robert and Cami sleeping"

Travis: "How sweet"

Andy: "Isn't it time to go to work?"

Maya, Vic and Travis laughed and went to work after breakfast. Meanwhile at home, Robert woke up and found Cami next to him sleeping with his little arms wrapped around her arm and smiling. Maya, Vic and Travis laughed and went to work after breakfast. Meanwhile at home, Robert woke up and found Cami next to him sleeping with his little arms wrapped around her arm and he smiled. He took the phone from his bedside table and saw Andy's photo and message. He replied that the photo was very beautiful and that he loved her too. As soon as she put the phone back on the bedside table, Cami began to move and open her eyes. When she woke up completely, she Cami she realized that she wasn't in her bed but she was next to her father.

Camilla: "Good morning dad" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Robert: "Good morning muñequita" he said smiling.

Camilla: "How did I get here?" she was confused, she didn't remember if she woke up during the night.

Robert: "Mom brought you here before she went to work"

Camilla: "Oh, ok. Shall we have breakfast so we can start our day?"

Robert: "Ok. What do you want for breakfast?"

Camilla: "Milk with cocoa and.. mother's sugary cereals"

Robert: "Let's go have breakfast then"

They got out of bed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. While Robert waited for his coffee to be ready, he made milk and cocoa for the little girl and took the box of sugary cereal. They sat down at the table and began to have breakfast.

Robert: "What would you like to do today?"

Camilla: "I would like to go to the park and.. can we buy something?"

Robert: "What?"

Camilla: "A swing to put in the garden so you, me and your mother can stay there in the evening and look at the stars"

Robert: "Okay, is there anything else you would like?"

Camilla: "A swing, a slide like the ones in the park, a trampoline, a castle like the princesses and a swimming pool"

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