Chapter 39

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Andy: "I.. I'm one of them" she said with tears in her eyes as the diary fell to the floor. Everyone turned to Andy rather worried.

Robert: "What happens? What do you mean that you are one of them?"

Andy: "I.. he.." she couldn't speak and she curled up on the sofa crying while Robert hugged her.

Ingrid picked up the diary from the floor and opened the last pages, what was written there had upset her too and she rushed to comfort and reassure Andy. Later Michelle and Pruitt also read a few sentences and Pruitt felt himself sinking. He felt guilty for not understanding what Andy was going through from Ryan. In that diary was written everything Ryan had done to Andy and that she had forgotten in order to live her life without those horrible memories.

"I thought having sex with Ryan was as good as the first time, but today was different. I didn't want to, but he forced me"

"It happened again today. He forced me to have sex with him in his car. He says that he loves and that he would like to spend every second with me"

"Today it hurt me more than usual. I tried to tell him no, but he tied me up. He keeps telling me that he loves me, but I start not believing him anymore"

"This situation with Ryan is getting worse. He takes me to strange places and binds me so that I can't rebel. I'm afraid of him"

"Talking to Ryan only made things worse. She beat me and then abused me. By now I have become his sex toy for him and I cannot speak otherwise he has sworn to hurt the people I love"

"I'm more and more afraid of him, but I have to put up with everything he does to me for the people I love. Today I lied to my dad about how I got this bruise on his face. It is not true that I bumped into the door, it was Ryan who made it to me. Every day he becomes more and more violent and he continues to mistreat me and do everything he wants to me"

"He is a monster, I don't know if I can resist any longer. Maybe.. maybe it's better if I died"

"I can't hurt myself, I can't die, not now that a new life is growing inside me, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid he might harm the baby. Should I tell him I'm pregnant?"

"I talked to Ryan and told him I'm pregnant. She abandoned me, he abandoned us. I thought he loved me, but I was wrong. Maybe now without him things will be better, but can I forget everything I have been through?"

"I have to forget everything"

"I don't have to think about the past anymore, I just have to think about my baby and be happy"

"I have to forget about him"

"I have to forget what he did"

"He's gone from Seattle, maybe it will be easier for me to forget"

These were just some of the sentences Andy had written in that diary. Nobody knew what she went through because she said nothing to protect the people she loved.

Robert: "You are safe now, we are with you and nothing bad will happen to you anymore" Andy was snuggled up to Robert who was crying.

Pruitt: "Andy.. my daughter.. I'm sorry for not understanding what he was doing to you, you could have talked to me. I would have killed him with my own hands"

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