Chapter 37

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The next morning, Robert, Andy and Ingrid accompanied Camilla to kindergarten together. They introduced Ingrid to the child's teacher so that Ingrid could fetch her granddaughter without any problems. After leaving the child, they went to the station where there was a surprise for Ingrid. The team had hung up a banner that read "Welcome Mom Ingrid" and had prepared some things to eat. They were very curious and happy to meet Ingrid as Andy talked a lot about how special Ingrid was to her. When they entered, there was usually quite a confusion, while that morning there was a lot of silence and when they went upstairs and arrived in the kitchen they all shouted "Welcome to 19 mother Ingrid". Ingrid was very surprised, she didn't expect such a welcome, but she was very happy.

Ingrid: "Thank you, you are all wonderful"

Travis: "I hope it's not a problem if we called you Mom Ingrid. I'm Travis"

Ingrid: "No problem, we're all one big family, aren't we?" they all nodded. "I remember you Travis, I remember all your names, I haven't forgotten them since we saw each other through a screen"

Ingrid greeted each person on the team by hugging them and then they all sat around the table having breakfast for the second time. While they were all talking as they usually did, Andy put his head on Ingrid's shoulder and the woman hugged Andy in a hug.

Andy: "I'm so happy you're here with us"

Ingrid: "I'm happy too" then noticed Andy rubbing her stomach. "Are you ok?"

Andy: "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just have a little stomach discomfort. Until I talk to Michelle I won't be very calm"

Ingrid: "Don't worry, nothing will happen" and she gave her a tender kiss on her forehead. "I know what could be good for you right now" she from the bag she took some mint chocolates. "Do you want one?"

Andy: "No, I feel nauseous with chocolate and mint, I don't know how I managed to eat it until yesterday"

Ingrid: "What do you want?" she had suspicions about Andy, but she didn't say anything, she wanted to be sure of what she was thinking.

Andy: "Pancakes with peanut butter and pickled gherkins"

Ingrid: "Are you sure you want all that stuff together?"

Andy: "Yes, when I'm stressed I eat nonsense"

Ingrid: "Ok, tell me where to find the ingredients and I'll prepare them for you"

Andy: "Thank you mom"

Andy told Ingrid where to find everything she needed and started making pancakes for Andy.

Robert: "Did you change your food to feel less stressed?" he said whispering in Andy's ear.

Andy: "Yes and she offered to make pancakes for me"

Robert: "You will become like a spoiled child like this" he said, teasing her a bit.

Ingrid: "Here you go honey" she put the pancake plate in front of Andy. "Now I'll take the peanut butter and you.." she said pointing the finger at Robert "stop making fun of her, I'll spoil Andy as much as I like"

Robert: "Ok, ok" he said raising his hands up and shaking his head.

Ingrid started opening some doors looking for peanut butter and eventually she found it and there was a label with Dean's name on the jar, but she ignored it.

Dean: "That's my peanut butter!"

Ingrid: "Really?" she removed the label from the jar. "Now it isn't anymore" and they all laughed. "Are there other things with your name written on it?"

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