Chapter 45

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When Ingrid called Robert, she only told him there was a problem with Camilla, but she didn't tell him what the problem really was. Robert and Andy arrived home in no time and when they entered the house they heard their baby girl crying. They both headed upstairs and Camilla was hiding under the sheet hugging Sully's stuffed animal and she couldn't stop crying.

Robert: "What happened?"

Ingrid: "I don't know, we were all sleeping together and she suddenly woke up crying. She didn't say anything, she just wanted you two"

Andy: "I think she had a nightmare"

Ingrid: "You stay here, Pruitt and I go downstairs"

Ingrid and Pruitt left the room and Andy and Robert sat down on the bed. As soon as the little girl heard them, she came out from under the sheet and threw herself into Robert's arms.

Robert: "What happens muñequita?" he said about her as he held her tight against him and Andy ran her hand over the little girl's back to calm her down. "Did you have a nightmare?" the girl nodded. "What happened?"

Camilla kept crying and didn't say what her nightmare had been.

Andy: "Honey.. dad and I are here"

Camilla: "I don't want you to leave me"

Andy: "Nobody will leave you"

Robert: "Was this your nightmare?"

Camilla: "Yes. You gave me to the bad man and I didn't want to go"

Robert: "Ohhh, muñequita, you don't have to worry, you'll always be with us"

Andy: "We will never let you go with anyone else, you are our little girl. Dad and I will always stay with you"

Camilla: "I don't want another dad. I want only you. My heart has chosen you as dad"

Robert: "I'll always be your dad"

Camilla: "And will you always stay with me, with my mother and with a peanut?" she said also referring to the baby on the way.

Robert: "As I have told you more than once, I will always stay with you" he replied giving the girl a kiss on the cheek. "Now.. how about you go back to sleep? It's very late"

Camilla: "Can you stay here with me?"

Andy: "We'll stay here until you fall asleep, but then we have to go back to the station"

Robert: "But your grandparents and Rex remain with you, you're not alone"

Camilla, Robert and Andy lay down on the bed, but Camilla still didn't sleep. It had been two hours and the baby was finally able to fall asleep, but as soon as Robert and Andy moved to get up she woke up again. At that point, Andy and Robert decided to stay home and not return to the station so that Camilla could sleep. Robert got out of bed for a few minutes to warn Luke of the situation and, after talking quickly with Ingrid and Pruitt, went back to his girls. To get the baby back to sleep, Robert did the same thing he did with Andy when something was wrong. Camilla lay on top of Robert and he and Andy cuddled the little girl who after a few minutes fell into a deep sleep. Andy had managed to fall asleep too, but Robert couldn't. The next morning, Camilla had woken up and seemed to be better, Andy had managed to rest, but Robert could see that he had spent a sleepless night. While Andy and Robert were preparing breakfast, the little girl was on the sofa watching cartoons and Pruitt and Ingrid joined Andy and Robert in the kitchen.

Pruitt: "Were you able to get her to sleep?"

Robert: "Luckily she fell asleep in the end and Andy too"

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