Chapter 48

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The day before the child custody hearing, Andy had been very nervous and no matter how much everyone tried not to make her think about the next day, she was worried. Robert was too, she knew Ryan would do anything to take the baby and hurt Andy, but he wouldn't let her. That night Robert wanted their little girl to sleep with him and Andy because she wanted to keep them safe. The next morning Camilla was restless because she didn't want to go to court with them. Robert and Andy also would have preferred the baby not to go with them, but they had to carry her.

Camilla: "Why do I have to come too? I already told Emily everything, don't you remember?"

Andy: "Honey I remember, but even today they will have to ask you some questions"

Camilla: "And will you be there with me this time?"

Andy: "We'll be in the same room, next to you there will be Aunt Michelle"

Camilla: "Okay. Can I take my stuffed animal?"

Robert: "Of course you can bring it"

All three together with Ingrid and Pruitt had breakfast and then, after getting ready, they went to court. By the time they got to court, Ryan had already arrived and tried to get close to them. When Camilla saw him she clung to her father's legs and he picked her up.

Camilla: "Did you bring me here because I have to go with the bad man? I want to be with you, mom and grandparents"

Robert: "Quiet muñequita, I will not allow anyone to take you away from us, trust me" he said as he stroked her back.

Michelle arrived and prevented Ryan from approaching any further. No one had noticed that from a distance that scene had been seen by someone. The judge following that case saw from afar how the child behaved when she saw Ryan approaching, she saw how Robert tried to calm the child and had already got an idea of that whole situation. Before they entered the courtroom, the whole team had gone there to be a support for them, they were a family and in these situations the family has to stay together. Everyone took their places and the judge, who was a woman, called Camilla so Michelle and Ryan's lawyer could ask her questions.

Robert: "Go easy, we are here and you can keep the soft toy with you"

Camilla: "Okay" she gave a little kiss on her cheek to her father and her mother and then and then Michelle accompanied her to the place where she was supposed to sit.

Judge: "Can you tell me your name and how old are you?" she asked politely with a smile.

Camilla: "My name is Camilla and I am 4 years old"

Judge: "You have a beautiful name, now those two people will ask you things and you will have to answer honestly, okay?"

Camilla: "Okay"

Judge: "Go ahead and.. remember that she is only a child"

Michelle: "Your stuffed animal is very nice, who gave it to you?"

Camilla: "Dad gave it to me. He is called with him"

Michelle: "And would you like to tell us something about your dad?"

Ryan's attorney: "Objection. Mr. Sullivan is not the child's father"

Judge: "Accepted" then refers to Michelle. "You call him by name and not dad"

Michelle: "Okay" then she rephrases the question to Camilla. "Can you tell us something about Robert Sullivan?"

Camilla: "He is the best dad in the world" she said as she looked at Robert. "He takes care of me and my mother and he loves us very much"

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