Chapter 59

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After closing the phone call with Camilla. Andy fell asleep pretty quickly, but at some point in the night she woke up suddenly making Robert worry. Waking up suddenly, Andy sat up in bed and woke Robert up.

Robert: "What happens? Do you feel bad?"

Andy: "I had a very strange dream"

Robert: "So you're okay?" Andy nodded. "Are you sure?"

Andy: "I'm fine"

Robert: "You woke up so suddenly that you made me worry"

Andy: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you"

Robert: "It doesn't matter. The important thing is that you are fine. Do you want to tell me what dream did you have to wake up like this?"

Andy: "I dreamed of your father.."

Robert: "My father? This is very strange. Are you sure?"

Andy: "I'm pretty sure, he was the same as you, but older. He was called Alexander, right?" Robert nodded. "We were sitting on a bench in a park and he told me he was happy to see you and your mother happy again after all these years. He said you are acting just like he raised you since you are taking care of the people you love. He would also have liked to know Cami, he said that she is a beautiful little girl and even if her DNA is not the same, she is your daughter. You are the same in many things and.. he is so right Robert" she said as some tears fell down her face. "Before I woke up he also revealed the sex of the peanut to me. I don't know if you believe these things, I know it all seems so strange, but it really all seemed so real and I think he could be right about peanut"

Robert was also moved. "It sounds strange, but I believe you when you say it looked real. I also happened to dream about him after his death and it seemed like he was next to me. But I have a question.. Did my mother show you a picture of him? Because I've never shown you one and the only person I've shown a photo of her to is Cami. When we were in Germany and she saw my photos from when I was little she also saw my father.."

Andy: "I've never seen a picture of her, never wanted to ask why I was afraid it was painful for you or your mother. I didn't even know his name, but when I saw him he was identical to you. He had the same look and smile as you"

Robert: "When we get home I'll show you something. I have a photo album that no one has ever seen. When I was little I used to take pictures and put them all in an album and I kept doing it even as I grew up. There are many photos of me and my father together especially from when we spent days together. Nobody has ever seen it, but I'd like to show you"

Andy: "Are you sure? They are your memories.."

Robert: "I'm sure. Just a few days ago I had leafed through that album and I believe that what you dreamed of is a sign"

Andy: "Robert.."

Robert: "What is it? do you feel bad?"

Andy: "No, I'm hungry"

Robert smiled. "Well.. all day you've just been drinking smoothies.. I'm going to make you something, ok?"

Andy: "I'm coming with you, I don't want to stay here alone"

Robert: "Okay, let's go"

Holding hands, they went into the kitchen and Robert started looking for something to make for Andy. Since Andy had only been drinking smoothies for the whole day due to nausea, she was now very hungry.

Robert: "What do you want me to prepare for you?"

Andy: "Pasta"

Robert: "Pasta? It's 3 am"

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