Chapter 15

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As the days went by, Andy and Robert were getting closer and closer and the team kept making jokes about their relationship and they kept repeating that they were just friends. One morning Andy and Robert, after having accompanied the child to kindergarten, had arrived early at the station and decided to start preparing breakfast for everyone. They were standing one in front of the other, holding hands and in no time they were kissing and did not realize that someone had arrived.

Travis: "How I would like a friend who kisses me like that"

Andy and Robert hearing Travis's voice split instantly.

Andy: "Nothing was happening here"

Travis: "Ah yeah, right, you're just friends"

Andy: "Exactly"

Maya: "Did you prepare breakfast?"

Robert: "Yes"

They all sat at the table for breakfast and as usual Robert prepared Andy the dish with the food she liked most.

Travis to Maya. "Really those two don't realize it? The thing is so obvious and they keep saying they are friends"

Maya: "They know they are more than friends it is useless to deny it. They just have to find the courage to say it"

Travis: "We have to do something"

Maya: "Forget it, whatever we do doesn't work. Vic and I have tried many times"

Travis: "And if we organize a small party and make them drink and then.. boh something we'll invent"

Maya: "I'm there"

Travis addressing everyone. "Since we have a short shift, do we have an after-shift party at my house?"

Everyone agreed except Andy. "I can't today, my father can't hold the baby. She will be for next time"

Travis: "And I guess Sullivan isn't coming to be with you either"

Robert looking at Andy. "Exact"

Maya to Travis. "Plan failed, but we make the party anyway"

After having finished breakfast, everyone began to do the task they had been assigned for that day. In the middle of the morning there was a call that lasted a long time and they returned to the station when lunch time was over. They took turns changing and ate something quick and relaxed a bit before continuing their shift. Andy had decided to finish his shift by serving at the desk and while she was sitting there a woman came in looking for help.

Andy: "How can I help you?"

Woman: "I have a wound on my arm and I think I have splinters of wood inside the wound, can you help me?"

Andy: "Yes sure" Andy had the woman sit up and took the medical kit. "How did she get hurt?"

Woman: "I was gardening and I think it was a bad idea to climb the tree. I was about to get off but I slipped and I didn't realize the piece of bark that protruded"

Andy: "These things can happen" she was getting some gauze and disinfectant to start disinfecting the wound when Robert walked out of his office.

Robert: "Is everything ok here? Do you need help?"

Andy: "It's okay, thank you"

Woman: "And who would he be?"

Andy: "Our Captain"

Woman: "And could he heal the wound? It would be much more pleasant if he did it. She is very nice, but he is.. he is very beautiful and charming"

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