Chapter 119

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It had been about two weeks since Samantha started walking by herself and now she was much more confident walking and spent most of her time chasing her ball. For Camilla the last day of school had arrived and therefore to celebrate, her mother and father had promised her that they would all have lunch together at the station and obviously Clarissa would also be there with her children. Andy and Robert had started their shift at the station early that morning and after they returned from a call, they showered and then started preparing lunch with the rest of the team. Meanwhile at home Ingrid and Pruitt had Alexander and Samantha packed and were ready to go to the station. Clarissa, on the other hand, would pick up the children from school and then go to the station for lunch. When Ingrid, Pruitt and the children arrived at the station and went upstairs where everyone was, Samantha immediately wanted to go on her father's lap and still held her little stuffed ball in her hand. Alexander on the other hand said hello to his parents and then he also greeted all his uncles and aunts. As Samantha toyed with her little stuffed ball, she pointed to her dad at the scones on the table because she wanted one. Robert put Samantha on the floor and then gave her a scone and the little girl sat down to eat it. Nobody knew that Samantha walked alone, Andy and Robert had only said that she took baby steps because they wanted her to be a surprise for everyone. Alexander was playing with Ben and Dean, but then at one point there was a loud noise because Samantha had thrown everything on the table to the floor. Samantha, after she finished eating her scone, she wanted her stuffed ball only Robert had left it on the table. The little girl then stood up, clung to the tablecloth and then started walking pulling the tablecloth so that the ball fell to the ground.

Samantha: "Ball" she said hugging her little stuffed ball while everyone looked worried at the little girl especially Robert.

Andy: "Oh my god what a mess"

Samantha: "Ball, ball" she said happily.

Travis: "Don't worry Andy, nothing happened. They just broke some plates and glasses and luckily Samantha didn't hurt herself" he said as Samantha went to her mother. "And she's walking alone"

Andy: "She's been walking alone for a few weeks"

Vic: "And you didn't tell us?"

Andy: "Surprise" she said taking Samantha in her arms, but then she realized that Robert was strange and then he moved away from everyone. "Can you hold her for a moment? Then I clean up all this mess"

Maya: "Don't worry, go to him, we'll take care of it here" Andy nodded and joined Robert who in the meantime had gone to his office.

Andy: "Hey, what's going on?" she asked sitting down on his legs.

Robert: "What just happened.. it's my fault. She could get hurt"

Andy: "But it didn't happen and it's not your fault"

Robert: "I left her ball on the table. What if she cut herself on a piece of crock or glass?"

Andy: "Osito.." she said taking Robert's face in her hands. "Stop blaming yourself, it's not your fault. And in case she cut herself, her super dad would be there to sanitize the wound and put a bandaid on her. You can't stop any of our kids from getting hurt, they're kids, they play, they run, they fall, they'll scratch their knees, but it's always going to be okay, ok?" Robert nodded.

Robert: "Ok, you're right" he replied with a small smile.

Andy: "And especially our little girl I think she will often put herself in situations like this to always look for her ball" they both had a small laugh.

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