Chapter 51

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Since Robert returned to his girls, it was another two days that the three of them spent together before Andy and Robert went back to work. Ingrid had talked to Robert and told him that if she had even tried to think about leaving Andy and Camilla alone again, he would regret it for the rest of his life. Even though Andy had told Ingrid they had made that decision together, Ingrid had never agreed with that choice. Now that things had settled down and everything was a lot calmer, Andy has relaxed and all of her weird pregnancy cravings are back. She was craving chocolates filled with peppermint cream, mixes of weird foods, and now she was craving Robert too. With the crazy hormones of pregnancy she was always quite excited, but in those two days she never had the opportunity to satisfy those cravings because Camilla was always with them. The morning that Andy and Robert had to get back to work, Camilla didn't want to let them go.

Camilla: "Why can't you stay home with me again?"

Andy: "Why do we have to go to work"

Camilla: "But I liked being with you all day"

Andy: "I know, but you'll stay with your grandparents and you can do whatever you want"

Robert: "And then in a very short time mom will have to stay at home waiting for peanuts, so you'll be together a lot of time"

Camilla: "Okay. Will you daddy stay at home like mum too?"

Robert: "I will continue to work, but I will have time to stay at home just before the peanut arrives and after"

Camilla: "Peanut could be born now, at least stay home"

Andy: "It's still early, the first peanut has to grow a little longer"

Camilla: "Oh, ok. When can we go and see peanut?"

Andy: "In a week"

Camilla: "And let's find out if she is a boy or a girl?"

Andy: "I think she's still a bit early, but we'll ask Aunt Carina if she's already seeing her"

Robert: "What would you like it to be? Boy or girl?"

Camilla: "Boy, so I can remain your muñequita"

Robert: "You would always be my muñequita"

After they finished breakfast with their little girl, Andy and Robert got ready to go to the station and start their shift. It had been about ten days since they last worked, but with everything that had happened with the trial, they needed those days. Andy would then work even longer briefly before taking maternity leave. When they arrived at the station, they were greeted with big smiles and they were all happy that they were back because he meant things were back to normal.

Maya: "Welcome back to the station"

Andy: "Thank you"

Vic: "Is everything okay now?"

Robert: "It couldn't get any better than that" he replied with a smile. "Finally Cami is also legally my daughter" he said without ever stopping to smile.

Ben: "This is great news"

They were all very happy with this news and Robert, to celebrate, had invited them to their house for a weekend barbecue. Andy and Robert joined them and Andy made breakfast again by dipping a peanut butter sandwich in orange juice. Everyone looked at her in disgust, but ever since she was pregnant she always ate weird things. While they were having breakfast, Robert gave his assignments for the day and then went to his office where Luke had left him some paperwork to do. Andy, once again, had the turn at the desk with the possibility of going out for a few calls with the ambulance as long as they were not dangerous. Andy hated being at his desk all day, but given his condition, Robert wanted him to be safe. Before Andy went to sit at the desk all shift, Maya and Vic pulled her aside.

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