Chapter 50

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Camilla, returned home from the park with her grandparents, was looking for her dad but could not find him anywhere.

Camilla: "Mommy, where is dad?"

Andy: "For a few days he will be alone in the annex"

Camilla: "Why? Did you have a fight? Does he no longer want to be with us?"

Andy: "Of course he wants to be with us, but things have happened and he needs to be alone for a while"

Camilla: "But I want to go to him"

Andy: "You can't go to him"

Camilla: "Dad promised me that he would never leave us"

Andy: "And he's not leaving us" she said hugging her daughter.

Camilla: "Did the bad man hurt him too?"

Andy: "Why do you think that?"

Camilla: "Because he is bad. And who are Isabel and Claire?"

Andy: "Oh honey" she said as he kissed the little girl on the head. "They were very important people to Dad. One day if dad wants to tell you who they were, okay?"

Camilla: "Ok"

Andy: "You're all dirty in the park, start going upstairs and I'll come to take a bath"

Camilla went upstairs and Andy stayed to talk to Ingrid and Pruitt.

Ingrid: "Are you okay with Robert being gone? Now I go to him and make him come back"

Andy: "It's okay. With everything that has happened, he needs his time to process everything. We talked about it before, he didn't want to go for the promise to Camilla, but it's right that he has the space of him"

Ingrid: "I disagree, but if that's okay with you, ok"

Pruitt: "We will stay here with you and Cami so you won't be alone"

Andy: "Ok. Thank you"

Ingrid: "Now go bathe the baby, we'll prepare lunch"

Ingrid and Pruitt started preparing lunch while Andy went upstairs to the baby to bathe her. While the baby was in the tub full of water, she wanted to play with her mother with some games that were in the bathroom. They were both having fun together and had lost track of time. They realized the time that had passed when Ingrid was calling them saying that lunch was almost ready. While Andy and her daughter talked about what they were going to do in the afternoon, Andy dressed her daughter and then they went downstairs for lunch. Over lunch, Andy said that in the afternoon she and the little girl would go to the mall while Ingrid and Pruitt would stay at home. After finishing lunch, Andy and Camilla left the house and as soon as they left, Ingrid tried to go to Robert, but Pruitt stopped her.

Pruitt: "You can't go to him"

Ingrid: "But yes, it's not fair that he left Andy and Cami alone"

Pruitt: "He didn't leave them alone. You need to be alone for a few days, that's normal. She just found out who the person who killed her family is, he has to work it out. I'm sure he'll be back in a few days"

Ingrid: "Are you sure?" Pruitt nodded. "Okay, I won't go to him, but I'll give him 3 days. If he doesn't come home in 3 days, I'll force him to return"

Pruitt shook his head. "All right"

Meanwhile at the mall, Camilla wanted to buy the first peanut onesie. They still didn't know the sex of peanut, so they would buy something that would be fine whether peanut was female or male.

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