Chapter 82

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It was two days before the family arrived from Germany and Andy was feeling a little nervous. But in those days, not only would people from Germany arrive, but his cousin Michelle with aunt Sandra and uncle Johnny would definitely move to Seattle. Michelle, after Ryan's affair, had to go back to where she lived before her to follow up on another very important case that took a long time. She and Andy often heard each other through texting and video calls, but now they would be spending a lot more time together as they would be living in the same city. Andy's family was very excited to meet Alexander as they had only seen a few photos.

Andy had woken up very early to breastfeed Alexander and since she was unable to go back to sleep she decided, trying not to wake anyone in the house, to start arranging the house so that it was in order when her family arrived. Andy kept moving various objects even if they were fine where they were positioned, but she couldn't stay still and she didn't realize that Robert had woken up and had joined her.

Andy: "Good morning. I woke you up?"

Robert: "Good morning" he replied giving her a kiss. "No, don't worry, you didn't wake me up" he said hugging her. "Why did you get up so early?"

Andy: "I had to breastfeed Alexander and since I couldn't go back to sleep I decided to fix the house"

Robert: "I understand. You're nervous?"

Andy: "I think so and I don't know why" she replied, jokingly.

Robert: "Don't worry, everything will be fine and we will all have a good time together" Andy nodded.

Andy: "Can you make breakfast?" she asked, looking at Robert with puppy eyes.

Robert: "Only if you give me a kiss first" Andy stood up on tiptoe and gave Robert a kiss. "Now I'm going to make breakfast. Shall we wake up Cami too?"

Andy: "Not yet. Let her sleep a little longer while we take our breakfast calmly"

Robert: "Okay" he replied giving her another kiss.

While Robert was preparing breakfast for the two of them, Andy was sitting on the kitchen island and watching Robert. He had taken all the necessary things to make smoothies, then made pancakes and finally made coffee for both of them. After Robert finished preparing everything, they sat down at the table and started having breakfast together.

Andy: "Feel the silence"

Robert: "Yeah.. it's a bit strange" he replied with a little laugh.

Andy: "Have we ever had breakfast so quietly just you and me?"

Robert: "I think it has happened very few times" he replied as he bit into a piece of pancake.

Andy: "That's true" she replied with a smile. "Since we are alone we should talk about something important"

Robert: "What should we talk about?" he asked worried.

Andy: "Don't be so worried" she replied laughing, then she got up and went to sit on his lap. "We should start taking precautions. I love sex with you, but at the moment I don't want to risk getting pregnant again. Alexander is still very young and we should enjoy everything about him first before thinking of another baby"

Robert: "I agree" he replied giving her a kiss. "I'll have to stock up on condoms then" he laughed and Andy patted him on the chest.

Andy: "Condoms won't be needed" Robert looked at her confused. "I'll take the pill"

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