Chapter 70

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When Robert saw Andy on the ground he immediately rushed to her and was very worried. Andy was on the ground unable to move because in falling she hurt her foot and couldn't move. Andy was crying, not only because she felt pain in her foot but also because she was mad at herself.

Robert: "What happened? Are you Ok?" he asked in a very worried tone.

Andy: "I fell and I can't get up because my foot hurts a lot"

Robert: "Now we will help you to get up and.. how did you fall? Did you hit your belly too?"

Andy: "I was going upstairs to get my phone and I slipped. I fell to the side, I probably hit my belly here on the side" she said, pointing to the part of her belly that he had hit. "But the baby is fine. I feel it moving" she took Robert's hand, put it on her stomach so he too could feel the baby move.

Robert: "I got really worried when Cami was taken to the station by the teacher"

Andy: "I'm sorry I made you worry. Where is Cami?"

Robert: "I left her at the station. But now we will take you to the hospital so they will check your foot and the baby"

Andy: "Ok, but first I need help with something else"

Robert: "What?"

Andy: "I have to go to the bathroom. Alexander presses on my bladder and I can no longer restrain myself"

Robert: "Ok, now I'll help you"

Ben helped Robert lift Andy and they took her to the bathroom. Robert stayed with Andy, even though she was against it, but she alone she couldn't stand up so he helped her to undress and then helped her to rearrange herself. Meanwhile, Ben took the stretcher from the ambulance for Andy to lie down and then they took her to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, Ben warned Miranda that they were on their way and that he had to warn Carina too, while Robert sent a message to Maya. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Andy was immediately taken to a room to check on her. Robert wanted to go with her, but he was not allowed. Meredith saw Andy coming and joined Miranda to check on her. After visiting her, Andy had sprained her ankle with her fall and after she was swaddled with her, Carina came to check on the baby.

Andy: "Can we call Robert?"

Carina: "Of course. In the meantime he arrives, I put the gel on my stomach" Andy nodded.

After a few minutes Robert arrived who was still quite worried.

Andy: "I'm fine, I only have a sprained ankle and a bit of pain in the part I hit"

Robert: "Luckily it's just a sprained ankle. And the baby?"

Carina: "We were waiting for you" Carina started checking on the baby and she was all right except for one little thing. "There are no problems, the baby is fine, but.. in the part that you have beaten there is a very small bleeding and.. it is very small, but I will keep you here for 24 hours to check that the bleeding is reabsorbed by alone"

Andy: "What if it doesn't reabsorb?"

Carina: "In that case we should intervene, but the baby is not in danger, don't worry"

Andy: "Ok"

Carina: "I'm going to get you to prepare a room where you can stay until tomorrow so if you want Camilla to come, all three of you will be safe"

Andy: "Thank you"

Robert: "I'm glad both you and Alexander are fine" he said kissing Andy.

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