Chapter 109

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Once they both got into the car, Robert warned his mother they were going to the hospital and then focused on driving. On their way to the hospital they got stuck in traffic and didn't know if they would make it to the hospital on time. The minutes ticked by, but Andy and Robert were still stuck in traffic and Andy's contractions were very close together.

Andy: "Robert.. we will never be able to make it to the hospital on time"

Robert: "We have to get there, our baby is about to be born"

Andy: "Pull over the car, this little girl doesn't want to wait" she said and then screamed because another contraction had arrived. "Stop now" she said yelling at Robert.

Robert: "Ok, ok" he said pulling the car over to the side of the road.

Andy: "Now you have to help me, you have to control me"

Robert: "Are you crazy? I can not do that"

Andy: "You have to do it" she said and then another contraction came. "Help me into the back seat"

Robert got out of the car, went over to Andy's side and helped her into the back seats more comfortable. Robert had a first aid kit in the car that he took immediately hoping that there was something inside that could help him. While Robert was opening the kit, he called Ben so that he could get to them by ambulance as quickly as possible. While Andy continued to scream in pain he felt with each contraction, Robert was panicking and didn't know what to do. Andy tried to talk to him, but Robert was like he was somewhere else.

Andy: "Robert, are you listening to me?" she asked without receiving any answer. "Robert!" she shouted.

Robert: "I'm here, I'm here. What do you need?"

Andy: "You have to check me, I feel something strange between my legs"

Robert: "I.. I.. I don't know what to do"

Andy: "Come closer to me and give me a kiss" Robert approached her wife to give her a kiss, but instead she slapped him.

Robert: "Why did you do that?"

Andy: "Because I need you, I can't deliver our daughter alone" she said yelling at him. "It hurts and.. ahhhhhh" a strong contraction came and he felt the overwhelming need to push.

Robert: "You're right" he replied putting on a pair of gloves and then checking on his wife. "Andy.. I see the head, our little girl is coming out"

Andy: "Really?" Robert nodded and then came another contraction and then he pushed.

Robert: "Okay, keep it up"

Andy: "I don't know if I can do it, it hurts a lot"

Robert: "I know, but you are strong and you can do it" he replied shaking his wife's hand.

Andy was in a lot of pain and with each contraction she pushed as hard as she could and Robert was there both for support and to help her. Samantha was mostly out, but Andy was feeling very tired and she didn't know if she could push any further.

Robert: "One more push and our little girl will be out. You can do it"

Andy then pushed one last time and Samantha was born. The baby immediately started crying, Robert wrapped her in a small blanket and then while she was looking for something to cut the umbilical cord, he gave the baby to Andy.

Andy: "Hey baby girl, welcome to the world" she said giving a tender kiss on his little girl's forehead.

Robert: "Ahhh, I can't find anything" he said desperately.

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