newt- Hit list

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It was just a normal day in the glade. People working and doing their jobs. I was planting some tomatoes and potatoes completely in the zone.

I heard the familiar giggles of minho come from across the glade.

God what has that slinthead done now

I turned around to see minho holding some sort of book, showing the other gladers and laughing. I looked closely at the book in his hand and realised it was my journal!

Where did he get that!

I dropped everything in my hands and sprinted over to where they were.


"Oh look who it is" he laughed.

I tried to grab it but he held it over his head so I couldn't reach. He opened it and flipped a few pages.

" wait look at this" he said.

He read from the journal.

" I don't know why I feel this way towards him but I do"

" oooh" said thomas " so Y/n has a crush on one of the gladers!"

"Give it back!" I said jumping for it.

Minho threw it over to Thomas and he caught it easily.

"I can't keep him out of my mind no matter what I do"

Thomas threw it to newt.

"I don't know what to do because I know he'll never feel the same way about me"

He threw it to gally.

"I want to tell him eventually but I dont know how"

Gally threw it back to me.

I caught it and held it tight so they couldn't snatch it again.

"There's only one thing missing" minho said " there was no name mentioned, we don't know who this is about"

"Who is it then?" Asked Thomas.

"Did you expect me just to tell you?" I laughed " you'll never find out"

I ran off back to my hut and quickly hid it in a new hiding spot better than last time. Now they knew I liked someone and they won't stop until they find out who.

"Ok" said Minho.

Minho,Thomas,Gally and Newt all sat in front of me with their food.

"We didn't get much detail about who this is but we know he is tall" said Minho.

He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket.

"We created a hit list" said Thomas " every single glader,exept you, is on the list. We are going to cross people out from the list until we find out who it is you like"

"You guys are seriously going into all this trouble just to find out who I like?"

"Yes" they said in unison.

I slammed my head on the table and groaned. I heard the sound of pen on paper as Minho scribbled out names.

" ok so that leaves 30 gladers left you could have a crush on" Gally said.

"The only problem is we don't have enough information about the guy to eliminate anyone else" said Newt.

I felt all eyes on me so I lifted my head from the table.

"I'm not telling you shanks a thing!" I said before running off.


There will be more parts to this one it isn't the end of the story.

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