Benny - I blame you

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I stood stirring the metal spoon in my coffie, watching it swirl the brown liquid into a tsunami. Once again I woke up and Benny was missing. I never thought about what it was he was doing when he was out, I assumed chess related.

I emptied my mug of now cold coffee into the sink and wandered around the room. Benny's chess set sat on the table as usual, perfectly lined up.

I heard the door open and close making me turn at the sudden noise.

"Where have you been?" I asked

He held up to bags of shopping in response so I went over to help. I took the bags from him and started unpacking everything.

"I'm supposed to that" he said walking over and taking them from me "you're supposed to be resting"

"Oh come on Benny it's not like I'm lifting furniture"

"It doesn't matter you still need to take it easy" he said pointing to my baby bump.

I huffed and slumped myself down on one of the chairs. When he finished he played chess for a little while I read a book. The only noise was the faint click of pieces being moved on the board.

"Benny I'm bored" I said breaking the silence.

He didn't look up from the board.

"Go do something then" he said.

"No!" I complained.

"Then don't complain your bored" he said.

Suddenly a mischievous idea popped into my head.

"Ow!" I said clutching my stomach.

"What's wrong" he asked concerned.

I didn't answer I just clutched my stomach harder and cringed.

"Oh shit!" He said getting up " is it...are you...?"

"No" I said relaxing my face " I just wanted your attention"

"Y/n don't do that!" He said.

"Sorry" I said " I was bored and I have nothing to do"

He signed

"Ow!" I said " the little shit just kicked me!"

"Yeah that's what you get for pretending your in labour" he laughed.

" it's not funny!" I said " I blame you"

"Blame me?" He asked "for what?"

"You created this" I said pointing at my stomach"

"You helped!" He said.

"Yeah well I'm the one that has to carry them around for 9 months, do you know how heavy they are?"

"If I get you something to eat will you shut up?"

"I want cheese on toast!"

He he got up and started making my snack while I read a magazine.

Not long later, he sat next to me placing the plate next to me.

"Thank you" I said.

He kissed my cheek before sitting down himself.

"You're lucky I love you" he said.

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