🌃Wedding Night : 7🌃

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I started feeling like I am gonna reach orgasm really before even he starts with my cunt.

The all excitement for this night not letting my body to hold for long.

He released my breasts and his fingers traced a path down my firm stomach and he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my lehenga skirt.

His kisses followed the path of his fingers, stopping only to flick his tongue into my navel.

He undid the knot on the skirt. He pulled the string of the skirt and untied it so that another hurdle is also removed.

The touch of his fingers on the fabric of my now exposed lacy panties sent a shiver through me.

His hands ran up the sides of my legs, his thumbs trailing across the inside of my thighs.

His kisses went lower to the waistband of my lacy wet panties.

I was suddenly aware how warm I was between my legs and imagined he could smell the aroma of my natural perfume.

He ran his hands back over my ass and he kissed hard against my wet panties.

His fingers hooked into the waistband on the sides and he slowly lowered them over my back and tight ass.

But I had option to had a bikini wax for what I denied, it was so embarrasing to expose private body parts to someone.

And I tried twice before but didn't worked for me. So, I know he won't get the clean shaved pussy my husband must be desire for.

My pubic hair appeared over the rim of the panties and I parted my legs to allow them to slide down my legs.

But I am so nervous and I am thinking that it would turn off for him.

Stay tuned

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