😒Jelous Bestie - 2😒

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Pratik is 23 year old, batch mate of Teju. He is in same class and a backbencher of her class.

But when Pratik proposed Teju, she had no reason to say no to him as he is handsome and Teju is not in relationship yet.

She asked Karan that if he likes him or not, but Karan had no reason to say that he didn't liked him so he said yes that he likes him with her.

We are in Mumbai, and here we all go to Goa for having some fun in life.

And their college also going for a trip to Goa.

But uncle aunty said no to both of us after Karan's parents denied them to say no to him

Her parents like his family so Karan respect their decision.

Then, we thought to go for a party and she knows if she ask aunty with truth then aunty will deny so she lied that she is going to group studies at one of her female friend.

Aunty called Karan to confirm.

Karan never lied in front of teju's mother.

Because Karan respect them a lot because of her mother only, he immediately got his  preferred room in this building.

And never had any issues in his life in past years.

Her mother : Karan, Teju is saying that she is going to study at her friend home, Mouni? Do you know her.

Karan : uhm... I heard about her from Teju only I didn't met her yet.

Her mother : teju, you told me he knows her.

Stay tuned

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