Tokyo manji - your younger siblings (request)

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You were no longer an only child three years ago you mother had adopted some younger siblings, the house was empty with the two of you and she always wanted a bigger family. So she decided to give a home to kids who had no place to go, and now you were a older sister to three younger brothers and one little sister.

Y/n " hey shorties I'm taking you to schools today mom had a work meeting" you had open the door and soon enough you were faced by your younger siblings who were jumping up with joy, you could say they love when you took them to school at times.

Hana " are we going to see your friends"

Y/n " maybe Hana"

Akihito " but your friends sound so cool"

Daichi " yeah they have great stories"

Genji "we want to be like them when we are older"

Y/n " we have to see about a that kiddo and now come on we are going to be late for elementary school"

Kids " coming" you soon started walking to your siblings elementary school and soon enough you arrived at their school.

Mituysa " y/n why are you here"

Y/n " oh mituysa these are my little siblings I have been telling you guys about ... kids this is mituysa one of my friends his sisters go here"

Hana " hey are you my sister boyfriend"

Y/n " Hana"

Mituysa " aww you are adorable but I'm not you sister boyfriend yet I'm working on it"

???? " hey y/n"

Y/n " hey Mikey and everyone else"

Genji " hey why do you have an tattoo" 

Draken " because I'm older enough shortie"

Daichi " well I think our sister is to good for you all"

Mikey " oh you think at true brat"

Daichi " no"

Y/n " Mikey leave him alone ... okay I will see you kids at home mom said today you can walk home alone you know the way right"

Kids " yes"

Y/n " okay and behave all of you mostly Akihito"

Akihito " yes sis" you soon walked away with your friends as your siblings ran into the school laughing and making jokes.

Baji " you know your brothers could make great members for the gang when, they are older"

Y/n " no way not happening" The guys were laughing but yeh thought your siblings are cute and they thought it was sweet watching you being a mother to your siblings as well.

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