Toman girl - rasing your daughther (kid)

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Your daughter was now a kid and enjoying her childhood, Mai had become more like you as the years went past. The guys were now wondering what she was going to be like when she was a teenager but if she was like you, then they didn't have anything to worry about but her having a romantic relationship with delinquents.

Mai " dads I'm home"

Mitusya " hey sweetie how was school"

Mai " it was good hey where is everyone else"

Mitusya " aww your other dads are still  at work sweetie"

Mai " okay oh what are we having for dinner"

Mitusya " well we are having fish along with some other thing but we are out of fish"

Mai " I can go to the store and get some fish please I'm old enough to go to store alone now"

Mitusya " umm are you sure"

Mai " yes I'm please daddy"

Mitusya " fine you can go sweetie here is a list of what we need will you be okay alone"

Mai " yes I will" Mai soon took the list and grabbed her purse while mitusya gave her the money she need, she was soon gone.

Mitusya " be safe and look both way before crossing the street"

Mai " I will bye dad" Mai was soon gone and she was skipping to the store humming.

Mai " yeah I did it" Mai had gotten everything from the store and was now heading home, still being her cheerful self like always.

Mai " uncle Takemichci "

Takemichci " hey kiddo what are you doing here"

Mai " well I went on a shopping trip"

Takemichci " that wonderful kiddo hey I'm coming over for dinner why don't we walk the rest of the way together"

Mai " okay" Takemichci walked the rest of the way to Mai family house hearing here day at school and, he was proud of her she had come along way from being a shy girl at school.

Draken " hey baby girl what are you doing out here"

Mai " oh daddy's I'm doing shopping for dinner"

Mikey " aww that is so great honey"

Baji " I'm so proud of you sweetie you are become a older girl" everyone soon walked into the house together, and mitusya and Mai unpacked the groceries together.

Mitusya " I'm so proud of you princess"

Mai " oh are we going to make mommy favorite fish daddy"

Mitusya " yes we are baby do you want to help me make it"

Mai " yes daddy" everyone had many emotions after hearing Mai say at it was good enough that Mai was getting close to her mother, and knowing she was so close to her mother even more now then before when she was younger and couldn't understand why her mother was not here.

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