Female takemichic - friends with an ex

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The break up between takemichi and hinato was painful and heartbreaking. One day everything was good and great and the next day hinato was breaking up with takemichi without giving a good reason. He won't even talk to her about the whole thing. When takemichi started hanging around a so called bad group of boys her ex started getting worried about her and everything that was going on her in her life.

Takemichi " hinato what are you doing here"

Hinato " I came to see you take-chan I haven't heard from you in a while and I become worried about you"

Takemichi " are you really worried about me or the rumors going around school about me dating a member from toman"

Hinato " I'm just worried about you takemichi I know we are no longer together but I still care about you"

Takemichi " I could see that hinato but when we broke up it really hurt me"

Hinato " I know and I'm sorry but can we start over as friends please"

Takemichi " sure I will love to start as friends hinato and maybe one day there could, be something special between us again"

Hinato " Hey would you like to get some food with me and we can talk some more"

Takemichi " sure I will love too" hinato and takemichi soon walked away together talking and laughing a bit. It seem like there might be some peace between the two of them and great relationship as well. It seemed like hinato might have sole rivals when it comes to winning Takemichci heart once again.

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