Female takemichi - seeing takemichic room

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Takemichci was home sick and she had missed the last toman meeting as well which got the toman gang worried about her, so after a while of conversation they all decided go to her school and see if she there. When they were waiting by the entrance of the gate they soon saw four of her friends, but no Takemichci which made them worry even more.

Takemichci " my hair has gone back to it natural color"

Takemichci " worst of all I'm home sick and I'm probably in trouble for missing one meeting"

Akkum " hey take-San we cam to see you how are you feeling"

Takemichci " oh hey guys I didn't you were coming"

Mikey " hey take-Chan"

Takemichci " Mikey what are you doing here wait how did you know where I live"

Takuya " that because of us well at a long story"

Takemichci " well I have enough time please tell me and everyone come in please"

Earlier today story

Mikey " hey you four over there stop"

Akkum " Mikey"

Mikey " you are all Takemichci friends right"

Takuya " yes we are"

Draken " so where she is anyways we haven't seen her at any meeting it unlike her"

Akkum " well she home sick one of us were supposed to tell you but we got forgot"

Mikey " great and now you are going to take us to her house"

Akkum " wait none of you have ever been to her house before"

Baji " hey idiot not becoming a hot head just take us there okay"

Takuya " okay she going to kill us big time" soon all four of her friends were taking the toman captain to Takemichci house which they were hoping she was ready for, but knowing she knew none of them were coming it would change everything.

End of story

So the gang walked into takemichi room and they were amazed on how kinda of girly her room was, they didn't think her as the girly type.

Takemichi " don't judge my room"

Chifuyua " i think it cute for you"

Takemichi " thank you"

Draken " hey Takemichi there is some guys standing outside of your house holding flowers" Takemichi soon looked out the window and saw her ex standing there.

Takemichi " oh it hinato"

Akkum " what dose he want now he was asking about you at school and I told him to get lost"

Takemichci " it okay I will go talk with him" Takemichci soon left the room and her four friends were looking threw the window that their friend talking with her ex boyfriend.

Yamagishi " why is he here anyways I thought when they broke up it was over between them"

Akkum " there are rumors going around at school saying he been hoping to get back with her"

Mikey " what her history with her ex there have been some times when I seen the him around her, or similar places where she was"

Akkun " they were a perfect couple that school and we thought they would last, until the end but you have to ask her the questions about her relationship with him and the story" Soon Takemichci came back into the room tossed soon flowers onto her desk and sat back on the rug.

Takuya " so what did he want"

Takemichci " she just wanted to check up on me that all I don't hav time to deal with an ex like him I want to move on from him, because he always bring up old feelings"

Mikey " he not worth your time take-Chan you will find someone better soon"

Takemichci " thanks Mikey" after a hour the guys had left and Takemichci knew she had the right people by her side to make sure everything is okay, she was going to enjoy much of her life as she can and go on many life journeys she can do growing up.

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