Baji wife - him and baby

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You had decided to leave baji and sakura alone together an important family emergency had come up, on your side of the family and you had been called away from Tokyo for a week. In mind you thought leaving baji and sakura together was a good idea. Well once you had left it gave baji time to have a dadd and daughter day with sakura and they had a good time when you were away which made you feel hurt.

Baji " come on baby girl we are going to the zoo today"

Sakura " ......" sakura had started clapping her hands and laughing she loves going to the zoo with her dad.

Baji " yeah daddy and sakura day" the father and daughter soon arrived at the zoo baji is pushing the stroller sakura was in the two of them were having a great time. They were waring match colored outfits and even Sakura was wearing sunblock.

Baji " oh look baby the tigers you love the tigers right"

Random women " wow he hot"

Random women 2 " he even a father"

Random women 3 " sorry ladie but is married I can see the wedding ring he wearing"

Baji " you know I can hear you all and I'm happily married to my wife the mother of my daughter" the three women soon walked away embarrassed, and they were getting dirty looks from older couples.

Baji " do you want to see the red pandas .... I will take that as a yes come on"

Baji " wait it your mom calling let me get this and we will see the other animals later" baji and parked the stroller in shady areas where some other stroller with babies, and toddlers are waiting.

Phone conversation

Y/n " aww you two went to the zoo without me again"

Baji " I knew you were going to say that I sent the pictures to cheer you up and show you , that we are okay"

Y/n " if you do buy our daughter a Stuff animal no alligator's she still scared about them since , last time"

Baji " yeah I had a feeling we are going to see the red pandas her favorite animal, I don't know why lions are better"

Y/n " baji leave our daughter and her love for animals alone"

Baji " I'm just saying lions are better"

Y/n " baji really"

Baji " what well we have to go you are call it citing init our daddy and daughter day bye"

Y/n " baji don't you ..."

Phone conversation ended

Baji " well come on Sakura sweetie let enjoy our day before you mother get back from her trip, and kill me for hanging up on her"

Baji " oh look princess the red Pandas oh do you want a stuff red Panda animal" baji had brought his daughter the stuff animal and right away she was not letting got of it.

Baji " well it get late and we should be getting you home come on, and when we get home you can watch you show awhile I make your bottle and me dinner" baji and Sakura had a good time together and enjoyed each other company, and yes baji was in trouble with you for hanging up on you and bragging.

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