Female takemichi - avoding mikey and toman

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Yes Takemichic time leaping and soon gotten to her and started effecting her mentality, she soon started feeling scared of Mikey because he was no matter what she done become evil. She soon started become scared of Mikey and the other members of toman, she started blaming herself for all the mistakes. Soon being near Mikey made Takemichic feel sick and she would do anything to keep her distance from him. Everyone soon started to notice what was happening because it seemed like Takemichic so longer the same girl they all knew.

Takemichi " ummmm"

Mikey " take-chan good morning"

Takemichi " oh good morning"

Mikey " hey Takemichi the gang planning this cool vacation do you feel like coming"

Takemichi " umm I cant I  have plans"

Mikey " but I haven't told you when the trip is happening maybe you can come"

Takemichi " I'm sorry mikey I have to get to class" Takemichi soon ran off from mikey leaving the boy broken hearted, he wanted so badly to spend some time with Takemichi, he had a crush on her and wanted to tell her the truth.

Later that day

Draken " hey Takemichi has mikey told you of the vacation are you willing to come"

Takemichi " sorry I can't something came up for my family"

Mituysa " oh really maybe we can go another time so you can come"

Mikey " take-chan hey"

Takemichi " umm sorry I have to go" Takemichic soon ran off before Mikey could hug her everyone soon started seeing Takemichic was avoiding, Mikey and it was getting to mikey he thought he had said something wrong to her. This went on for the rest of the day when mikey came around Takemichi would not say anyone to him or leave the area quickly.

With the guys

Mikey " did I do something wrong to make take-chan hate me I feel like I did something she wont even look that me"

Baji " well maybe she upset about something and doesn't feel like telling anyone"

Mikey " but I want to be there for Takemichic"

Draken " hey maybe I can have a conversation with her and see what the matter"

Baji " I don't think we can do that because I have seen her talking with chifuyu and the two black dragons boys"

Mikey " oh "

Mituysa " don't worry mikey maybe she will come around soon she could be going threw something we don't know or understand"

Mikey " chifuyu seems to understand" the guys had followed mikey to come look for Takemichic they soon saw her crying in the hallway but Chifuyu was there comforting her.

Mikey " hey is everything okay take-Chan"

Takemichci " yes everything is fine I'm going home" Takemichci soon left the classroom room and all the guys were giving dirty looks to chifuyu. Takemichci was almost out of the school when Mikey came running after her he wanted ti help her.

Mikey " wait Takemichci tell me what the matter and maybe I can help you"

Takemichci " I don't know anymore Mikey I feel like the whole world of on my shoulder and I can't breathe" Takemichci soon started crying but Mikey pulled her into a hug and didn't say anything. She had told him and the guys she had been dealing with some personal problems in her life, and that there was someone or something bothering her. The guys made a promise to be there for her, and make sure she didn't have to fight this alone.

Mikey " I will protect you take-Chan and get rid of this creep who cause you this problems"

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