Tokyo manji - mitusya place and family

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You have arrived at mituysa place you had been given his address by draken, and you had rang the door bell wonder if mituysa or someone else was going to answer the door. Before you could do anything else the door soon opened, and you were soon looking at two small girls.

???? " princess"

Y/n " umm hello is mituysa home" the two girls soon like at your with even more brighter smiles, the soon turned around.

???? " big brother a princess is here to see you"

Mituysa " girls what are you all talking about .... y/n"

Y/n " hey mituysa I came to see you and draken had given your address"

Mituysa " oh cool hey girls this is my friend y/n and y/n these are my sisters Luna and Mina"

Y/n " hello girls"

Luna " you are so beautiful. Why are you dating big brother."

Mituysa " we are not dating, kiddo we are just friends "

Mina " aww"

Mituysa " girls go finish your meals I have to speak with y/n about something"

The girls " okay" the girls soon waved goodbye to you and you are now with mituysa and he was now blushing bright red.

Mituysa " I'm so sorry about that I didn't mean for them to say that"

Y/n " aww think they are cute"

Mituysa " hey why don't you come inside and we can hangout in my room, but we might have some guests coming to see us"

Y/n " sure" you follow mituysa into his room where you guy sat on the ground talking, his sisters did come by a few times to ask you and him some questions.

Mituysa " I'm so glad my parents are at work because if they were here they would be embarrassing me with a showing, you old baby pictures of me"

Y/n " aww I missed seeing the baby pictures no fair"

Mituysa " maybe next time you will be able to see them"

Y/n " Sure so if you may know I went to see draken a few days at his house and he soon turned me to you"

Mituysa " wait you so draken first before any of us"

Y/n " hey I just want to see where he was living and he was more secretive if his life then everyone else"

Mituysa " oh okay that a fair point"

Y/n " who do you think I should see next"

Mituysa " oh I know of someone you can go see"

Y/n " oh do you"

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