Tokyo manji - marriage to chifuyu

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You and chifuyu had been together since middle-school and that relationship had grown over the years, after years when you guys had gotten done with high school you and chifuyu had opened a pet store together. It was cute couple thing for the two of you to do, and it brought you guys closer. It was hard at the first but soon got normal over the years, and chifuyu seemed to be happy about following his dreams.

Y/n " aww the puppies and kittens are so cute"

Chifuyu " honey you can't be gushing over then all day we have work to do"

Y/n " hey don't hate me for loving them thank for these cuties our the store social media page has grown, and we are getting more business"

Chifuyu " fine you are right and hey you were able to help us get those snakes adopted"

Y/n " it was not easy get those kids mothers to agree to having an snake in their house"

Chifuyu " the supplies seems to be stocked up and we are good for another couple months"

Y/n " hey are you still going drinking with the guys later on tonight"

Chifuyu " yeah we are having a boys night out"

Y/n " well have fun but please don't do any stupid"

Chifuyu " deal" soon a small black kitten had jumped onto the table at chifuyu was standing by he soon pet the little kitten which was name pk Jr after chifuyu old cat pk senior had dead.

Y/n " good morning junior"

Chifuyu " I always thought it was worry for me to get a new cat after pk death but I think this one, showing up at our doorstep was a good sign"

Y/n " yeah and he our little mascots for the store"

Chifuyu " yeah" You and chifuyu soon went back to work some of puppies and kittens were adopted that day which ,made everything great. Chifuyu soon went out drinking with the guys and soon came home later on that day, he was bur drunk but he was able to get into bed and sleep.

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