╟ Chapter 188: Sacrifice of a Thief ╢

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"Stop it, you two! Nothing will be solved by arguing! We're friends! Let's talk!"

You would have probably taken Sanji more seriously if his face didn't look like it got stung by giant wasps (thanks to Nami giving him a good beating after what happened at the bathhouse). You made it safely to Ebisu Town with his help, a leftovers town to the east of the city. Its particular residents, who were extremely poor, all followed a philosophy of always being positive and constantly laugh about their troubles no matter the situation.

Not a second after you met up with the others inside a long house whose roof was about to give up at any moment with its walls, Law and Shinobu entered in an argument.

"I don't have anything to talk to you about!" snapped Law angrily. "I'm not gonna give up my crew! I'll go save them!"

"Are you out of your mind? It'll be like you're turning yourself in!" Shinobu retorted, her fists shaking. "Our allies who wanna take down Orochi are getting caught one after another... ever since your crew messed up!"

"What do you mean?!"

"That little bear and the others...definitely told them about our plan!" the kunoichi shoved her face close to Law's.

"Bepo and the others would rather die than talk! Don't underestimate them!" he turned on his heels to walk out the door, Sanji attempting to stop him on his way.

"Wait! That's exactly what the enemies want, Tra-guy!"

"You can't tell me what to do, Blackleg-ya!"

"Both of you need to simmer down"

"You're the one who needs to cool your head!" Shinobu pointed to the swollen bumps all over the cook's face.

"You've gotta trust your friends!" spoke the blonde.


"I didn't see anything at all..." he avoided her glaring, confirming her thoughts at the same time.

"How did you get punched to end up looking like that?" Franky sweatdropped.

"Let's say I didn't go soft on him" you said, earning a look of disbelief from the cyborg.

"In any case, you must eliminate those who got caught! To silence them!" Shinobu continued, and Law directed a murderous glare in her direction.

"What did you say?!"

"That's what we do in the ninja world!" she replied, tears gathering in her eyes. "We're not doing this for fun! For two decades...we've been waiting for this! If we fail now, there won't be another chance!"

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