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After the bamboo shoots were blanched in boiling water, they were soaked for a day, and the next day the man stewed them in a pot with tender meat and bamboo shoots from hunting.

In addition to his own food, he successively sent bowls to Muge'er, Huage's younger brother Zhougeer, Miangeer, Jingeer, Qingge'er and several other families. The fresh meat was divided into several portions and sent to those families.

Those few families came to help out at the wedding banquet. This time, the man gave the gift, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, and it made a lot of noise. Many people in the tribe knew about it.

Immediately, everyone looked at those families with complicated eyes and a little bit of taboo.

For the next few days, the men delivered things to those houses, mostly food.

Those families can live on the food Yuan Heng sent, and the orcs in those families don't even need to go hunting.

At this time, the eyes of many people in the tribe have changed from taboo and complex to envy and jealousy.

Those families were also very flattered, and were very grateful to Yuan Heng, but Yuan Heng pointed out that they deserved it. He did this just to thank them for taking care of his brother.

At this point, the people in the tribe suddenly realized that the man was thanking those people for his brother Jin.

The people who are kind to Jin Geer get fresh meat and food again and again, but the three families of Ju Geer who are against Jin Geer are driven out of the tribe and even die tragically...

This strong contrast made the people of the tribe understand a truth.

Being friendly with Jin Geer will bring no harm, but being against Jin Geer will cause all harm but no benefit.

Because of this, many brothers took the initiative to come to get close to Wang Jin. Wang Jin was puzzled at first, but when more people came, he only knew that it was all men who did the trick after tricking those people.

After sending away batch after batch of friends who came to get close, Wang Jin finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He grabbed the busy man, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

"Don't let them bother me anymore!"

Those brothers were all panicked, and they would gossip with him when they came to the door. Either this brother's orcs were great, or that brother couldn't control his own orcs... Wang Jin didn't know much about the tribe, but he lost Fortunately, in just a few days, that family in the tribe gave birth to a baby, and that family ate an extra bowl of meat on the dinner table, and he knew it all!

They are all brothers, why is Mu brother not as good as this group of people!

"You don't know them..."

That brother's angry and glaring appearance was very vivid. He could clearly see that he was very angry, but he couldn't frighten anyone at all. Instead, his face was slightly puffed up because of the action of biting his back molars in anger, like Extremely hamster, screaming viciously.

He opened and closed his lips and complained about those annoying people and things, his eyes were filled with irritability, the man's heart was twisted, he leaned over and kissed the opened and closed lips.

The voice stopped completely, the man left the soft lips and straightened up.

There was warmth on the lips, and the kiss was comforting, and the numbness spread from there to the whole body. Wang Jin's mind went blank, just like a cat with frayed fur was smoothed. At that moment, the irritability subsided, and the anger disappeared. .

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