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It was as if, what he was waiting for was not a man coming to fetch the red thread from him, but a kiss from a man.

As the man got closer, Wang Jin could clearly see the fine hairs on the man's face... His heart beat faster and faster, almost knocking out of his chest and hitting the man's body.

At the moment when the man was about to get close, Wang Jin suddenly closed his eyes, as if his rapid heartbeat could be calmed down as long as he closed his eyes and didn't look at the man.

The kiss finally fell, like a superficial touch, fleeting.

The hot and humid touch lingered on Wang Jin's lips, and the man seemed to deliberately hold Wang Jin's appetite, knowing that he was looking forward to it but still refused to get any further intimacy. It was like taking a feather and gently sweeping Wang Jin's heart, making Wang Jin's heart itchy.

Wang Jin pursed his lips, and opened his eyelashes tremblingly. Under the pink complexion, his face was full of dissatisfaction, and his eyes were fixed on the man's pale lips...

Yuan Hengxin was bumped suddenly and lost his rhythm.

That little brother pouted dissatisfiedly, like a clingy little beast, expecting his master to get close to him as much as he wants...

The man's fingertips trembled, and he could hardly hold the red thread he had just drawn into his hand.

Wang Jin stared at the man for a while, seeing that the man had nothing to say, he couldn't hold back, pouted and wanted to kiss him.

"!" Yuan Heng's heart was beating faster and faster, and the little brother's pouting appearance all revealed this information. This person is longing for him...very, very longing for him...

This kind of cognition makes a man's heart seem to be enriched by something, and the feeling of satisfaction is overflowing. There is nothing more exciting and pleasing than knowing that his brother is eager for him...


Yuan Heng moved his knuckles, retracted the red thread that was about to be released into his palm, put it on his right hand, and presented it in front of Wang Jin.

"Brother, can you tie the red thread for me?"

The movement of approaching was suddenly interrupted, Wang Jin seemed to be frightened, he took a small step back, his eyelids drooped, and he saw the red beard hanging on the man's wrist, and the man's hand seemed to be out of control. Good action so-so, can't tie it on.

This red thread can be used as a token of my brother's recognition of the orc, and the orc will value it very much, and will wear it before getting married, to prove that I am a brother who is happy... A wise brother will not pester this orc...

After getting married, the red beard will be removed by the orcs and put away.

Staring at the red beard, Wang Jin had an inexplicable feeling - if a man wears a red beard, he is his own... This is a feeling that he didn't have when he got married.

Wang Jin's heart moved slightly, he lifted his knuckles slightly, and touched them with his fingers.

The little brother touched the red beard with his delicate fingers, and his white and slender fingers and the bright red beard created a great visual impact. He obviously just wore a red beard, but in the eyes of a man, he didn't know Why is there a tantalizing charm.

The man's heart was beating so much that it was as if someone was knocking on it vigorously. He was hot all over. Looking at the soft and obedient brother in front of him, he wished he could hold him tightly in his arms, making him soft and fragrant, and his whole body was hot. All with their own flavor.

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