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Intentionally or unintentionally, the little finger hooked up his curled knuckles, shaking them like a baby.

Yuan Heng's heart was restless, and he heard the little brother stickyly ask: "Brother Heng, do you... want to date me in the wild?"

"..." Yuan Heng's heart seemed to be swept over by a piece of fluff, and every corner was itchy to death.

He hurriedly pulled his hand out, away from that sticky little brother.

Wang Jin's hand was empty, and he looked at the man dissatisfied. The man turned his back to Wang Jin. From Wang Jin's angle, he could only see the tips of his red ears.

"Little brother..." His voice was low and hoarse, with a unique magnetism, which made Wang Jin's heart surge.

"I want to marry you." The man said every word.

Wang Jin's heart skipped a beat, his face became inexplicably hot, and the smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't be controlled: "We've been married a long time ago."

"I want to get married with you in front of the city lord Xining." Yuan Heng said it again in detail, and Wang Jin said: "It's easy to handle, we will get married when we go back, I have already remembered, my brother will not object to my choice gone."

"..." Yuan Heng was silent for a while, the sea breeze blew for a long time, the pink on the tips of his ears faded, he turned around, looked at Wang Jin seriously and said: "Little brother, you are the younger brother of the city lord of Ning'an City."


Wang Jin nodded, a little puzzled why Yuan Heng mentioned this suddenly, what relationship did he have with their marriage? Anyway, no matter who they are, they all want to get married.

Yuan Heng said: "It is impossible for me to let my brother live with me a worse life than before we got married. After you get married with me, I have to give you a better life than in Ning'an City."

Wang Jin's eyebrows softened: "Actually, I don't really care about these things, not to mention Brother Heng has always given me a better life than Ning'an City."

This is not bad at all, no matter for the original owner or Wang Jin.

The original owner had been bullied all the time before, as for himself... Although the material is indeed inferior, but looking at the two worlds in his two lives, Wang Jin felt that he could never find another person who treated him as well as a man.

Yuan Heng is unique in this world.

"I'm afraid this is only for you, little brother, not enough for me. My little brother deserves the best in the world. In Ning'an City, you live in an attic, so here you should be There are thousands of attics for you to choose from; in Ning'an City you have countless servants at your disposal, so here I should find some caring servants for you to serve you; Brother Baishun, then you have an orc with me who is willing to give up everything for you."

"..." If these words were uttered from other people's mouths, they would be big words, and Wang Jin would definitely make fun of them.

But it's different from a man's mouth. Men are always serious, and what they say always counts. What's more, his expression at the moment is so confident and resolute, as if what he said will be available in the near future...

"Brother Heng, you are..."

"Little brother, let's build a city."

"!" Wang Jin opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Yuan Hengdao: "This place is the reason for my late return to Ning'an City. It is the address of our new city. What do you think?"

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