The Final Battle against Demon King Ganondorf!

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You had soon been able to Climb down the Giant Chasm underneath Hyrule Castle as soon you came across the Same Runes as did initially, and you quickly uncovered them to see what Happened.

They were Zelda Obtaining the master's sword and her becoming A Dragon. 

Y/n: So... This was meant to Happen... It was A Loop...

You then decided to finally end this as you continue deeper into the Chasm as soon you then came across A Massive Mass of Gloom! It was Ganondorf.

Just then A Bunch of Monsters were summoned, and they were Bokoblins, Gibdo's, Lionels, and A Lot more which began charging for you, but suddenly they were struck with arrows! The Sages had arrived!

Y/n: Guys, you showed up!

Tulin: Yeah, we're Not leaving you Behind Y/n! We're going to do this together!

Yunobo: We're going to make our Ancestors Proud!

Sidon: We Shall finally end this!

Riju: The Gerudo owes you for everything Y/n and we are going to repay that debt!

Mineru: It is time for me to finally fix what we had failed to finish ten thousand years ago.

Y/n: Right, we're going to end this! Everyone Charge!

You all then Began to Attack all of the Monsters as Tulin began shooting and sniping the Monsters, Yunobo had begun to slam into them and destroying them, Riju Began Lighting up the Gibdo in Lightning attacks, Sidon Began unleashing water attacks on them, and Mineru was fusing weapons and began destroying them!

Soon Ganondorf began summoning all of the monsters at the temples to face you!

Y/n: Guys are you ready to-?

Tulin: Y/n, don't worry about us. We faced them before, and we can face them again! Just go!

Y/n: Right, Thanks Guys.

You then ran into Ganondorf's Chambers as they all Began fighting the Giant Monsters and soon you came across Ganondorf's Mummified Body as he Began speaking.

Ganondorf: Hello Y/n. I finally recognize you. I have been waiting Thousands of years Just to meet you. I was expecting, More of A Challenge though.

Y/n: I'm not going to let you win!

Ganondorf Just smiled as he filled his hand with Darkness, and he then Began Unleashing it everywhere as he restored his true Body back to its former Glory!

Ganondorf: I shall Rule this world in my Control. That is what A King is for.

Y/n: You're not King! You're A Demon!\

You then Turned into MUI As you Began to attack Ganondorf as he Pulled out his sword and you Pulled out the Master Sword!

Y/n: Alright then! Three Sword style: Divine Light Chiliochasm Three thousand worlds!!

You then Began fighting against Ganondorf as you began to slash and hack at him as he kept getting beaten but he smiled!

Ganondorf: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! This Is perfect! The Thrill of Battle and I have not even used my Full Power!

He then began Unleashing his Full Power as he summoned Copies of himself, but you still held onto your sword!

Ganondorf: TAKE THIS!

He then Began Unleashing A Bunch of Dark attacks at you as you kept using MUI To keep on dodging everything and soon you had Begun to Use the master sword to deal massive damage as he kept on being slashed and hacked at!

Y/n: Take this!! Gum Gum Divine Rifle!!

He the dodged the attack but you smiled!

Y/n: Jet Culivern!!

You then kept on hitting him as he kept being flown back! You then Took the Master sword and stabbed it in his Gut!

Ganondorf: AAAGH!

Y/n: Take this!! One Sword Style: Divine Lion Song!!

You then Slashed at him as he then fell to his knees, and he then Began to get angry.

Ganondorf: Tch, I shall rule this world. I shall give up my Mind, My Body, My Spirit, I shall give up everything to rule this world!!

He then ripped the Secret stone out of his head, as he then Began to consume it!

Y/n: Oh No...


He then slammed into you as he had Begun to Turn into A Dragon and soon he had Begun to send you flying into the Sky with you stuck in His mouth high above Hyrule Castle! He was now The Dark Dragon!

Y/n: AGH! I Can't Escape! Tch, how am I supposed to get out of here?

Just then you heard Another Roar and Zelda Began flying by to stop him.

Y/n: Yes! Zelda, I knew you were still in there!

She then slammed into him as he dropped you and you fell on top of Zelda's head!

Y/n: Alright Zelda Let's stop him!

Zelda Riared as you both Began to charge after Ganondorf, and you knew to Target the eyes all over his Body! You then Jumped off of Zelda as you Began to Run across his Body using the Master sword to destroy his eyes! He then Threw you off only for Zelda to catch you and you both Began flying high above him as you then Jumped off ready to Land the finishing Blow!

The Dark Dragon then Began unleashing A Bunch of Dark Blasts as you Began dodging them all!


You then Pierced the Eyes on his head as you then revealed The Secret stone on His head as he then Began to be destroyed! Light Begins to Pour out of his Mouth as he flew higher in the air and then Light begins to appear across his Body as then He blew up in A Massive explosion!!

Ganondorf was finally destroyed!!

You Began falling until you fell onto Zelda's Head.

Y/n: Thank you Zelda...

Just then you Hand began to glow as you were Taken to A Landscape as there was A White Cloudy Void, and you were above Zelda. You Looked at your arm to see that Light was Pouring into Zelda and you then Looked around to see Rauru and Sonia. They then Put your hands with yours to Pour Lighter into Zelda as soon she was returned back to Normal in A Bright Light. 

Rauru and Sonia then dissapeared.

Y/n: Thank you Rauru and Sonia. I will never forget you two. Ever.

You then woke up to see that you were falling thought the sky and you saw that Zelda as well you quickly caught up with her and grabbed her by the Hand as you both fell into A Lake. You then quickly Pulled her out as you both then Laid on the ground.

Y/n: Zelda? Zelda are you Okay? Please tell me You're, Okay?

She then woke up as she then Looked at you.

Zelda: Y-Y/n?

Y/n: Zelda!

You then Began Hugging her as you smiled.

Y/n: You're Okay!

Zelda: Y/n, Are you Okay? It has been so Long. I...

Y/n: It's been 10,000 Years Zelda. 

Zelda: Really? Ganondorf he's... He's gone?

Y/n: Yes. We defeated him. Together.

Zelda then Smiled as she then Hugged you.

Zelda: Y/n I had no Idea it was so Long. I remembered I was Asleep and... I was in A Warm Embrace. It was You.

You both Looked into each other's Eyes and smiled, and then said...

Y/n/Zelda: I Love you.

You both then Hugged each other as you both were almost at tears. The World was finally right Again.

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