Naraku's Return!

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We Opened up in A Village deep in the Mountains where the Population was Under a Hundred People and A Small School and A Small Village as people were going missing Left and Right.

Of course, the only thing it can be was Demons of course.

You soon showed up with Inuyasha, Kagome, and Sango as soon you had all gotten to the Village, and Of course, Sango began coming up with A Plan.

Sango: Okay Guys here is the Plan. The Demon is Inside the School Building so if he goes out the front then Inuyasha You and I will attack it.

Inuyasha: Right.

Sango: And if it goes out from the Back You and Kagome will attack It.

Kagome: Right. I feel bad I have to leave Moroha Behind.

Y/n: Well to be Honest she needed to rest. So, Let's go.

Kagome: Right.


Soon People had come to Watch as Sango had Put her Battle Armor on as she began to light A Bunch of Incense and began Letting it all go into the school with her using A Huge Fan to make it all go inside.

Of course, Inuyasha was sick from the scent.

Inuyasha: Oh My God... It's Making my head hurt so Much...

Little Boy: Miss what is Happening to Him?

Sango: Don't worry He's Just A Demon but he's A Good One.

Inuyasha: Please Kill Me...

Sango: Okay it's Coming out!

Just then A Large demon Jumped out A Window of the School as it began running for it, But Kagome shot A Holy arrow from over the schools' roof, and it hit the Demon in the Shoulder Stopping it for A Moment as it tried to rip it out of its Shoulder but suddenly you Jumped in and...

Y/n: TAKE THIS! TO HELL'S HEART I STAB AT THE! Ittoryu: Water Breathing: Climbing Water Wheel Death Lion song!!

You then slashed at the demon cleaving it into Two as it Just disappeared into A Soul!

Kagome then ran up and hugged you from Behind as she Just Pressed her Bust against your back!

Kagome: Oh Y/n you did it!

Sango then ran over as well, and she pushed her Bust into the side of your Face!

Sango: Oh, that was so cool!

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh, Thank you.

You then Looked on and you saw A Mysterious Figure walking back into the Forest, Like He was Just watching, like he was Death itself.

You then Looked on and you saw A Mysterious Figure walking back into the Forest, Like He was Just watching, like he was Death itself

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Y/n: (Thoughts) Huh? Is that... Naraku? The Person Sango and Kagome had Mentioned to me. How the hell did he Get here?

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