Imperfect Future!

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Soon You, Lucca, and Marle had all ended up going through A Time gate as soon you ended up in the ruins of A Massive city that was scorched to all hell and was Filled with Futuristic Technology and Ruins.

Y/n: What Happened here?

Lucca: Something bad happened, that's what.

Marle: Y/n, I'm scared.

Y/n: It's Okay. I see A Dome other there. Let's go.

You all then made your way to A Nearby Dome where you all Found A Bunch of People all on the Brink of Death.

Y/n: Woah what is happening here?

Just then an Old Man stepped up.

Old Man: We are all starving... There is no Food...

Y/n: Well, is there A Place where we get can Food?

Old Man: there is A Place filled with Food deep in the dome, but it is Guarded by Robots that we can't get past.

Y/n: Don't worry we'll get you that food! Let's go Team!

The Three of you then Began to make your way down through the lower levels of the dome as soon you all came across A Blaring alarm and A Giant Robot showed up!

Giant Robot: Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! Exterminate! Exterminate!

Y/n: Lightning Jutsu: Ittoryu: Lightning Blade Death Lion Song!!

You then slashed through the Robot destroying it as then you Opened up the door to the food storage room as you realized that all of the Food is rotten!

Marle: What Happened here!?

Lucca: It Looks like the Refrigeration had failed A Long time ago.

Y/n: What's that?

You then Noticed A Corpse that was Holding A Seed.

Y/n: A Seed? You can grow food with these. That is Great!

You all then continued to run through the ruins for A Little while as soon you all ended up coming across A Huge door with Password Access.

Lucca: Well Okay, we need to Figure out the password and with so many algorithms we can Possibly-

Y/n: Fine let me do it. 1-2-3-4.

Just then the doors Opened.

Lucca: Well You didn't show your work.

Y/n: I Just did.

Marle: That seems like the Kind of Password some Idiot would put on their Luggage!

You all then walked in and saw A Supercomputer that Lucca Began Hacking into.

Lucca: Alright then, turns out that there is A Gate east of here.

Marle: What does this button do?

She then Pressed a Button and it began Playing a Video.

Y/n: What is this?

Year (Data Corrupted) ... The Rise of Lavos...

Just then it Showed a Video that A Giant Spiked Monster began rising from the ground and it then Began to unleash quills all over the world that destroyed everything in its Path and it had quickly wiped out of all civilization.

Lucca: Oh My God... From the Data it seems be 999 Years in the Future... Our Future is doomed...

Y/n: No. We can change it.

Marle: Yeah! I Mean we changed the past so we cand defiantly change our future!

Lucca: You Guys are right. We can.

Y/n: Then Lets change things for the better!

You had soon made it to the top floor where the Survivors were all surprised you had all made it ad you handed the Old Man A Seed.

Old Man: A Seed? I'm not sure what this seed Grows into but I'm sure this can be used to Grow great things. Thank you.

Y/n: You're welcome, sir. Is there any way we can go to the east fast?

Old Man: You could Take the Hover bike east. I have The Keys for it right here.

Y/n: Thank you sir. We truly appreciate it.

The Ultimate Shonen Jump hero (Book 9)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon