Milagro Man!

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Soon after the defeat of Damo, everything returned back to Normal as you were still sticking around Just to see what Happening is next since you still suspect Jobin of being A Part of this Rock Human thing.

Right now, Joshu was pestering Norisuke about getting 10,000 Yen for Going to his favorite Idol's show and buying some stuff.

Joshu: Come on All I need is 10,000 Yen! It's Just for some Fragrance... Also, Maybe A Photograph, Paper Fan, and Wristband too.

Norisuke: Well, I could give you the Money or you could work for your brother Jobin and Make some Money.

Joshu: Uh-Huh can I Just have the money now and avoid the argument all together?

Norisuke: Fine.

Joshu: Thank you for your Cooperation.


It was Now After the concert as Joshu was waiting in Line to buy some stuff when suddenly A Man got in front of him first and began buying everything.


The Young Man then left as he had left behind his Wallet. Joshu seeing the chance grabbed the wallet and ran to the nearest men's restroom to check the wallet. There was 2,240 Yen and A Credit Card. He then ran over to the Nearest ATM Checking the Machine using the Fact the Man was A Huge Fan using the Pin as the Idol's Syllables as the Numbers. He Was right and checked out another 500,000 Yen he stole from him.

Joshu: Okay this isn't my Fault. It was that Idiots fault for even leaving his Wallet there. He's an Idiot.


Joshu then Gets into A Bunch of Situations where he somehow Makes even More Money after trying to Buy stuff with the Original 500,000 Yen and it Just keeps getting even more, more and more, as he Just chocks it up to Luck.

Soon Joshu walked into the Karaoke Bar with A Few women but soon ended up running into the Owner who wanted some words with him.

Karaoke Owner: Alright Buster where are you getting the Money!?

Joshu: Huh? I-

He then Gets sucker punched and he given A Bill of 500,000 Yen.

Joshu: Hey I can easily Pay that off if you-

He then Gets Punched again.

Karaoke Owner: Have you been getting the Money from the Milagro Man?

Joshu: I-I have no Idea what You're talking about! I have no Idea who he is!

Karaoke Owner: Tch Fine. Here take this and never Return!

He then hands him 540,000 Yen as he his Men made him go to an elevator but he uses Nut King call to remove their hands as he then ran off scared as ever!

Joshu: What is going on? W-Who is the Milagro Man?

He then ran into A Vending Machine where he attempted by A Snack but made more Money and then he came across A Black Bag with 50,000,000 Yen!

Joshu: What the fuck!?

Soon he Began trying A Bunch of other Machines and they gave back more money then he spent as well!

Joshu: Okay Now this is weird! I can't let everyone see me with this Money!

He then Tries to Put the Money in A Coin Box but quickly noticed that It's too Much and they all Began Pouring out as he quickly noticed that they're Serial Numbers all end in 13R.

Joshu: Oh Man! I got to get rid of this Money!

He then ran off with the Money, but his Bag exploded with too Much Money and A Bunch of People and Police found the Money and returned it all Making him even more money than he Lost!

Joshu: Oh Crap!

He then Tries to Take A Taxi and gives them 50,000 Yen in advance but suddenly A Bridge closed too early and the Driver Tried to give him even more as an Apology. He tries refusing it but A Fight started when he tried to Light it on fire but the Money Began to multiply rapidly!


They soon then explode In Numbers Burying him underneath him as soon he wakes back up with Norisuke in the Family room.

Norisuke: Son? Son? Are you Okay?

Joshu: Huh? What Happened dad?

Norisuke: Your Okay Now Son. You Just passed out and you were Taken here. Now Please rest in your room.

Joshu: Okay. (Thoughts) Was... Was I Dreaming the whole time?

He then walked into his room to find it's filled with his Money!



The Man from Before was returning home with A Little Pep in his Step as he smiled.

The Man from Before was returning home with A Little Pep in his Step as he smiled

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He then walked into His room to find Joshu standing there.

???: JESUS CHRIST! H-How did you follow me!?

Joshu: I Know who you are Zaihei Nigatake. You passed A Stand onto me! I Know it!

Zaihei: Fine then, it seems like you tried to Burn down some Money. I have passed down to you Milagro Man's curse. That was Milagro's Money you Burned.

 That was Milagro's Money you Burned

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Milagro Man

Zaihei: I had Gained the Curse when I had stolen from A Homeless Person. The Curse it so be rich but never use the Money Normally. The Only way to pass it down is to have someone steal money from you and try to destroy it or return it to you.

Joshu: That means-?

Zaihei: Yes, I expected you to steal from me. Look it's an open secret about everyone around here about this Curse so that is why they keep returning the Money back to you. The Curse came from A Rich arms dealer who went mad after Losing A Lawsuit so he want mad, Killed his entire family, and even burned down his Home, leaving only 1 dollar Left. My Advice? Don't spend your Money on anything. The Loss of an ability to Buy anything is the Curse.

Zaihei then Began to open A Bottle of Melon Juice as Joshu smiled.

Joshu: Ha! You Fool! I used Nut King called to Screw some Bills to that Bottle and now you destoryed them meaning you returned the Curse!


He was then overwhelmed By the Money as Joshu who is now Free of the Curse walked off and noticed some Signs for another Idol group.

Joshu: Heh, Nice Idol Group. I am Nothing like them though, I wish I can be special.

He then walked back Home now Free of that Terrible curse.

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