Provie the Gaming gal!

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We Open up in New Tokyo's Gaming District where soon you, Misako, and Kyoko, all quickly made your way Towards A Huge Arcade where there were A Bunch of Giant versions of old childhood Games.

Kyoko: oh, I want to Play Monopoly!

Y/n: Maybe Later! Let's go!

Kyoko: Aww...

All three of you soon ended up in A Giant version of Rock Em' Sock Em' Robots with A Pair of Giant robots, and between the two was A Huge floor surrounded by stands full of People.

Y/n: Okay why am I thinking Gladiatorial Combat?

Misako: Oh, you think that too?

Kyoko: Oh, maybe we'll win some cute clothes! I could use A Cute new skirt!

???: So, You're those Yakuza Jerks Huh?

Y/n: And, You are?

???: Answer your question first Jerks!

Y/n: Y/n, this is Misako and that's Kyoko. Now will you answer us?

Provie: The Name is Provie and You're going to pay for hacking into my God damn social Media Account!

Provie (A Gaming Gal who seems to Hang out at the New Tokyo Gaming district/ She is after the Yakuza as well for screwing her over Just like you guys)

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Provie (A Gaming Gal who seems to Hang out at the New Tokyo Gaming district/ She is after the Yakuza as well for screwing her over Just like you guys)

Kyoko: Nice to meet you!

Y/n: Hey we didn't no nothing!

Provie: Shut it! I'm Kicking your asses!

She then Began attacking all three of you with Spin Kicks and Jump Kicks while both Robots Began shooting out Giant wives which you all three had to dodge!

Y/n: Okay I hate to use this but... Diable Jambe!!

You then lit your foot on fire!

Provie: What the-!?

Y/n: Kaioken!!

Provie: Kaio-What?

You then Kicked her in the Chest!

Y/n: Kaioken X3!! Diable Jambe: Hell's Memories!!


She then fell to the ground trying to relive the Burn as you then sat next to her.

Y/n: Are you willing to Listen now?

One Explanation Later...

Provie: Oh, So You aren't the Yakuza then?

Misako: Exactly. Don't go assuming people if you don't know them.

Kyoko: Yep and you hurt our Y/n-Poo again... Oh I will break your Legs.

Provie: Got it. Tch, I think I know where we can find that damn Hacker.

Y/n: Where?

Provie: There in Another Part of the Technology District in A Computer Center. I'm Joining you guys.

Misako: Why?

Provie: Because We all have A Bone to Pick with them.

Kyoko: Yeah! We're A Bigger Team now!

Misako: Oh Okay, but as soon as she tries to Backstab us, I'm kicking her ass.

Y/n: Eh, don't worry. Knowing Hackers, they can't be that physically tough.

You all then got up to pretty Much find those Hackers who attempted to destroy the girls alive in some 1st step plan to end them.

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