Hato Brought her Boyfriend Home!

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Soon you heard of the Name Josefumi and you contacted Yasuho and Tsurugi to see who that man is since he seemed Familiar and yet doesn't ring the Bell. Soon you had been called to the Main Foyer to A Massive Surprise.

Hato: Everyone, this is my first, Boyfriend, Damo. Isn't he so Handsome?

Damo: Nice to meet you all.

Damo: Nice to meet you all

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Tamaki Damo

Norisuke and You were A Little shocked by this but you had to Just Take the Piss out of the Situation.

Y/n: Hahahahahaha! Sorry! Sorry! Handsome? No. Good Looking? No. Ugly? Yeah that's the right word.

Hato: Excuse him he doesn't know when to shut up.

Y/n: No, no, I Just speak the Truth too Often, and Man that's the Truth!

Damo: Yes, I am Damo, and I am 23 years Old, and I am the Manager of a Cleaner store.

Y/n: A Cleaner store? Seriously? 23!? Dude, You Look like your 40! You Look like you had Kids!

Joshu: Oh, Let me get these Glasses for you.

He then tried to Pull off the Glasses to keep them safe but he accidentally ripped them off showing off Damo's bald spot.

Y/n: Pfft, Hahahahahaha! Oh My God! You're Bald too! Holy Crap I knew some Bald People but at least they weren't Fat and Short and wear A Tracksuit! I mean for crying out Loud You Look like an Old Man trying to be Young!

Hato was shooting you death glares, as you Just kept on Making fun at Him.

Norisuke: Let us Get us some Youkan.

He and Kei both went to get some Youkan only to notice they have all sorts of strange different fingerprints on them, but they Put it aside to serve some drinks. Soon Norisuke offered Damo the Guest seat but he was too Fat and Broke it so he sat somewhere else, and he and Hato were Kissing and Norisuke intervened.

Norisuke: Would you two Please not do it at the Table.

Hato: Oh, calm down Father, we already had Sex Twice and bathed nude 5 Times.

Norisuke was A Little sorrowed by that as you Just took the Opportunity again.

Y/n: Hahahahaha! Oh My God! It Must be Like Sleeping with A Dead Pig! Though it seems Like you already did! Oh, I got another One! This is too easy!

Soon you had Excused yourself to get the fax as soon you Began walking towards the room as Soon both Joshu and Daiya had turned super soft as Joshu got sent down A Drain and Daiya saw the Fax which was of Damo using the Josefumi Name before she melted into the ground.

Soon you came across Daiya and you were A Little Freaked out.


Daiya: Y/n we're under attack!

Y/n: Yeah, I can see that!

Back with Norisuke he was sitting with Damo as he drank some Cider but he quickly Noticed that the Bubbles soon began Molding his skin and then he Began Melting to the floor.

Norisuke: W-What is going on?

Damo: Well, Well, Well. Looks Like I finally got you.

Norisuke: What do you mean?

Damo: Look I am here to investigate three things. The Deaths of An Architect, Twin Brothers, and A Security Guard, and I want to know who did it.

Norisuke: Like I would tell you,

Damo: I can make you.

Back with You, you were trying to Figure out what is going on when Hato walked in.

Hato: Daiya!? Y/n what's going on?

Y/n: Apparently Damo has A Stand and is Trying to Attack us.

Hato: H-He would never-!

Y/n: Yes, he would. Now Move in and don't touch anything. I think his stand works on Touch.

Hato: R-Right.

Hato then began walking through the Foyer as soon Another Battle is about to Begin.

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