The Sun Stone!

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Soon you were all told by Gaspar about how you can all help beat Lavos, and there are Multiple ways to do so while also having to deal with the Problem of that Black Omen in the sky with Queen Zeal planning her next Attack.

Of course, the first thing you all have to do is pretty much Get some Items from different Times that Gaspar had mentioned and the first was A Sun Stone!

So, You, Lucca, and Marle had ended up going Far into the Future to find the Temple that had sunk into the Sea in 12,000 BC, And Thankfully in that time, it had risen back up.

Y/n: Well, that's Convenient.

Lucca: I know right? Now Let's Park this Baby and find that Stone.

You all then walked into the Sun Temple where the Place was filled with Lava and Iron floors, where you all walked up to where the stone would be when suddenly A Giant eye surrounded by Fire appeared!

Marle: What is that thing!?

Y/n: If I have to say anything I say that it's The Temple Guardian made to Protect the sun Stone.

Lucca: Then Let's take it out!

Marle: Right!

Marle and Lucca both then Began to Fire their Attacks at it but it had done no damage as it Launched A Fire Ball counterattack, but you Jumped in and ate the Fire!


You then hit the eye back with double the power, but it was left completely unharmed. It then stopped as it seemingly had decided You were all worthy as it turned into A Dark stone.

Marle: Huh? Why Isn't it Bright?

Y/n: I assume we need to take it Far Back, but Not 12,000 BC As this Came Far before it as in Legends they told us, so that means we Must go back to 65 million BC!

One Quick Trip Later...

You all then Traveled to the time of Dinosaurs as you all walked into A Sun Shrine where A Big Bright sunspot shined down on A Particular spot.

Marle: Hey, this Place Must be where the sun Likes to be at most!

Y/n: So, We Leave the stone, and we go back to Modern day that easy.

Lucca: Right!

Another Quick Trip Later...

You all arrived in the Modern day to walk up to the shrine only to see the Sun Stone Gone!

Y/n: Huh!? Someone stole it!? You can't have shit in Guardia!

Marle: How do we know who stole it? It's been 65 million years!

Lucca: I Guess we time Travel until we figure it out.

Some Time Travelling Later...

Soon you had all ended up discovering that Someone stole the Stone 400 Years ago and traveling back to the Modern day you discovered the Glow of the stone at A Mayors House!

Y/n: Sir, may we have the Sun Stone?

Mayor: Sun stone? No! Never heard of it! Now go away!

You all then asked around and realized his family hates him for being so Greedy.

Y/n: Alright I'm Kicking his ass.

Lucca: No, I have A Better Idea.

She then whispered the Plan in your ear.

Y/n: Oh, Sounds good to me.

You all then Traveled back in time to 400 Years ago and you met the Mayors Ancestors who were all Poor and Hungry.

Ancestor: Oh, I wish we had some Spiced Sausages for the Food.

Y/n: Hm, I can do that.

You then ran out, Payed 10,000 Yen for some Spiced Sausages and Came back.

Y/n: Here you go Ma'am!

Ancestor: Oh, Thank you! I can Pay you back you know?

Y/n: Nope! No Payment needed! Good deeds are free of charge.

Ancestor: Thank you I shall teach my children this.

Y/n: Good! That's all we Ask.

Back to the Present...

Y/n: Hey Sir do you have A Sun Stone?

Mayor: Huh? Oh Of course, You can have it! Some Fellow left it here! 

Y/n: Thank you Sir!

Mayor: No Problem! Good Deeds are Free of Charge!

You all then asked around again and the family now Loves him although his wife Jokes around that he could stand to be A Little less Generous.

Soon Lucca took the fully charged sun stone to her Lab and began extracting its energy into A Vacuum-Packed Cartridge and Placed it into A New gun she had made!

Lucca: Yes! I have made my new weapon! The Wonder Shot! The Most Powerful Gun ever created! I also made some New Shades, that are both stylish and Powerful! Sometimes I even impress myself!

Marle: Oh Amazing!

Y/n: Yep! Now Lets go for that Next Item! I Know Magus and Frog can help!

The Ultimate Shonen Jump hero (Book 9)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant