The Quest to Save Y/n!

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Soon everyone now with Magus in the team had Returned to the end of time with the Help of the Epoch, and the Old Man was waiting there smiling.

Old Man: Ah, You're all back, and such A Nice Ship. Say, where is That Y/n Boy?

Marle: He's... He's no longer with us...

Old Man: Oh. He was such A Spry young man. He was A Great Hero.

Magus: Cut the Crap old Man we know you can save him! 

Old Man: Well, there is A Way. Many have come before to try and stop death, and you are far from the Last. There is One Item you can use in A Situation Like this.

He then summons an Egg.

Lucca: An Egg?

Old Man: Yes, it is something I call A Chrono trigger. You can bring someone back to Life with this but it's never A Guarantee. You Must Pour all of your Hope and Love in your hearts to save him. The Only Man who can help with this Is the Man who created the Wings of time,

Magus: You! You were the Guru of time!

Old Man: The Guru of Time? Hehehe, Man that's A Name I hadn't heard in such A Long time.

Marle: So, You're Gaspar!?

Gaspar: Exactly. Now if you want your best friend take the Chrono trigger and take it to My Friend Balthasar. He can Help you.

Marle: Right, Lets go team!

Robo: Data Acquired: Find Balthasaur.

Frog: We're right behind you.

Ayla: Ayla will Help!

Magus: I'm only doing this to Kill Lavos you know. I couldn't care less about him.

Time Skip!

Soon everyone had shown up at Balthasaur's Lab where they had found the Epoch and they had soon found the Man who uploaded his Mind into Another Body.

Marle: Balthasaur?

Belthasaur: Hm? Yes?

Marle: We Wish to Bring a Friend Back. Y/n L/n. How do we do so?

Belthasaur: You need to go to the top of Deaths Peak as it has the Power to save your Friend, but it requires A Great deal of Hope and Power to restore A Slain One and it's not easy as the want must be great and the need for them Must be Greater. You Will need A Double Must speak to my Friend Norsteam Beckler. I don't know where he is but he Loves to be around parties and festivals.

Robo: Where can we find one?

Lucca: I Know! The one in the Modern Day!

Time Skip!

Soon they had all arrived at the festival where they had walked into A Tent of Horrors where A Clown mask with Hands showed up!

Lucca: Norsteam Beckler?

Norsteam Beckler: Yes, that's me! What do you need?

Lucca: We need A Copy of our Friend Y/n. Can you make on?

Norsteam Beckler: Of course.

He then summons A Copy of Y/n and he smiles.

Norsteam Beckler: Now if you want to win it you have to copy all of his Moves!

Lucca: I'll do it. I know him better than anyone else here.

She had then Passed the test as You had all earned the doll! and now it was time to go to the top of death's Peak, and as they fought Monsters and make it to the top, they encountered A Giant spikey Monster!

Marle: What... is... that?

Magus: It Looks like A Smaller Lavos. Almost Like A Spawn.

They all then fought the spawn of Lavos as it was tough but only had A Fraction of its Power and was defeated! Of course, there were more but they could be defeated as well! 

Soon they Had Gotten to the Top!

Marle had then Planted the Egg as they began to pray, and everyone else Joined in.

Marle: You who Fear the Night and fight against the darkness Please give us Strength!

Just then the Pendant began to glow as the Chrono Tigger Rised up into the air, but it fell to the ground shattered!

Marle: No... (Crying) No...

Just then an eclipse then Began to Happen and suddenly they were all Taken back to the time when Y/n was going to get killed by Lavos but time was frozen.

Magus: W-What is going on?

Lucca: I Get it we're supposed to replace the doll with him.

They then did so, making it look like Y/n really did die when in reality it never did happen even from the start as the doll died instead, and they were taken back to death's Peak with Y/n Still Alive!

Y/n: Ugh, My Head....

Marle/Lucca/Ayla: Y/N!!!

They all then Glomped you to the ground as they smiled, Kissing, Hugging, and Cuddling you!

Frog: Heh, He's A Lucky Man.

Robo: Correct. He cheated Death. He is Lucky.

Frog: Yes, but that's not what I meant.

Magus: Tch, just hurry things up Will Ya?

Y/n: Huh!? Magus!? W-Wait, wasn't I fighting against Lavos!? What was Happening!?

Marle: Yep, That's A Long Story You're going to need to hear.

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