The End of Time!

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Soon all four of you Traveled through time Once again but instead of ending up at any certain time period you all ended up in A Vast Void of Blackness on top of A Small Island with Black Gates and Gray grass.

Marle: Where are we?

Robo: Examining... No Answers can be discerned from this data.

Lucca: Yeah, we can tell.

Y/n: Me too. Let's examine the Place.

You all walked down to the center of the Island where an Old Man stood there Looking at all of you.

Old Man: Welcome Travellers

Y/n: Where are we?

Old Man:  You are at the end of time.

Marle: W-WHERE!?

Old Man: Yes, you are at the very end of time, and I only live here with A Few others. I have been getting A Lot of Travellers lately though. You may not know this but Trust me when I say if 4 Or more People time Travel at the same time then you end up here.

Y/n: Seriously?

Old Man: Yes. Seriously. You Must leave one person here to continue.

Robo: I shall stay Behind.

Marle: Are you sure Robo?

Robo: Of course, I am. I am Used to Isolation. You are not. I can survive this.

Old Man: Good.

Lucca: Well, Let's get going then!

Old Man: Now Hold up you might want to Visit a Friend of Mine First.

Marle: Why?

Old Man: He can teach you Magic. Just go to the North Gate. You can't Miss him.

The Three of you then walked up to the Northern Gate and there was A Little Monster Thing Just sitting there Smiling.

Y/n: Who are you?

Spekkio: I am Spekkio! You want to Learn Magic?

Y/n: I already know it, but those two would want to learn.

Spekkio: Oh, That's easy! All you two have to do is walk around three times and began thinking to yourself "I want to learn Magic"!

Y/n: (Sweat drop) Seriously?

Spekkio: Yep!

The two girls then did, and they then Learned Magic!

Spekkio: You, see? You Lucca Know Fire Magic while you Marle knows Water Magic! Thanks for Visiting!

You all then walked back as The Old Man smiled.

Old Man: Take one of those Gates back home and you should be fine.

Y/n: Thanks Sir.

Old Man: No Problem.

Marle: Bye Robo We'll be Back!

Robo: I'll wait for you. I shall acquire A New hobby.

He then spotted A Small bird and began scanning it.

Robo: Hmm.

You all then ended up going back to the Modern age, but you all ended up coming out through A Closet where some Fiends were nearby,

Fiends: Huh!? What!? Why were you in our Closest!? No Humans have been here in the last 400 years!

Y/n: Hey, You guys know how to get back to Truce?

Fiends: Go to the Cave to the west.

Y/n: Thanks Guys! You guys are cool!

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