The Millennial Fair! / A Twist in Time!

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It was in Due time this would happen but in the Kingdom of Truce it had become 1,000 Years old and now They were celebrating it with the Millennial Fair, which serves as A Massive festival to celebrate the Millennia of Time.

Of course, you were there exploring the Place!

Y/n: Ah, this is Amazing! Food, drinks, Contests, Games, Inventions this place is awesome! I can't wait to see what Lucca has made. I swear she reminds me of Bulma in so many ways.

You then continued walking into your Bumped into A Blonde woman which caused you both to drop to the ground.

???: Ow!

Y/n: Oh, Ma'am I am so sorry! Are you Okay?

???: Yeah, but I dropped my Pendant.

Y/n: Let me find it for you.

You then found the Pendant shining in the Sun, and you handed it to her.

Y/n: Here you go!

???: Thank you.

Y/n: What's your Name?

Marle: Me? (Blushing) I'm, Um... Marle. Nice to meet you.

 Nice to meet you

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Y/n: Oh, Nice to meet you!

Marle: (Blushing) Oh Yeah, You too. Oh, do you want to go around and do some stuff?

Y/n: Sure! Why not?

Marle: Good!


You had done stuff like Participate in A Drinking contest, Save A Little girls Kitten, and even Kept Marle's Pendant from being sold which made her Blush, when soon you had heard that Lucca's new Machine is finished being Built and you smiled.

Y/n: Hey Lucca!

Lucca: Huh? Oh, Hey Y/n! Nice seeing you here!

Lucca Ashtear (She is an Inventor who is Known for Inventing some Wonderful Machines/ She is also proficient in using weapons she had made Like handheld Flame throwers, Grenades, and others things/ Had recently invented the Teleporter Machine)

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Lucca Ashtear (She is an Inventor who is Known for Inventing some Wonderful Machines/ She is also proficient in using weapons she had made Like handheld Flame throwers, Grenades, and others things/ Had recently invented the Teleporter Machine)

Marle: So This is Lucca?

Lucca: Exactly. Nice to mee you.

Y/n: Yeah, this is Marle. I Just met her.

Lucca: Oh Cool! I met A New friend myself!

Y/n: Who?

Lucca: Pythagoras!

Just then A Large Robot Walked over.

Pythagoras: Oh, Hello there, Nice to meet you all! My Name is Pythagoras, I'm Sort of a Scientist myself.

Pythagoras: Oh, Hello there, Nice to meet you all! My Name is Pythagoras, I'm Sort of a Scientist myself

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Y/n: Oh, Nice to meet you Sir!

Pythagoras: You too. You are A Straw Hat, right?

Y/n: Yep! Second in Command!

Pythagoras: Oh, that is Fascinating! I am A Bit of A Fan, to meet Demi God Y/n Himself is quite amazing.

Y/n: Well... It's nothing.

Lucca: Oh Y/n Would you like to Test our Teleporter?

Y/n: Sure thing!

You then walked onto the Teleporter Platform and Pythagoras then input some commands as then you teleported to the Pad next to you.

Crowd: OOOOH! Amazing!

Lucca: This seems to be A True Success!

Marle: Oh Can I try?

Lucca: Sure, Now go ahead!

Just then Marle stands on the Platform as it began to power up but Just then Her Pendant began Glowing and A Portal Opened up above her!

Lucca: Pythagoras what is going on!?

Pythagoras: I don't know! It's A Massive Influx of energy from an Unknown source!

Just then Marle was sent through the Portal as it then closed, leaving her Pendant behind!

Y/n: Marle! Lucca what happened?

Lucca: I don't know. I Guess the Pendant interacted with the teleporter and created that Portal.

Y/n: Okay send me.

Lucca/Pythagoras: What!?

Y/n: I'm following her, and Nothing is going to stop me!

Lucca: Alright then. We're going on in 5 Minutes so Get Prepared. We'll follow you, as soon as we figure out what is going on.

Y/n: Right. This is Another Adventure, I Guess.

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