The Masamune sword needs to be Fixed! / Walk the Dinosaur!

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Soon You, Lucca, and Marle had all begun to walk back down the Mountain and walked into Town where the Boy you had met earlier revealed he took the hero Badge from Frog after he had dropped it, and now People thinks he is the Hero, so you decided to take it back to Frog.

Y/n: This Yours Frog?

Frog: I don't need It. I am no Hero.

Marle: Frog you need to quit doubting yourself.

Frog: I Keep Telling you, I am no Hero. You Need to Listen. Now you can stay if you want but I want to I have Business to do.

Lucca: Hey what's this over here?

You all Looked into A Pot and you Pulled out the other Half of the sword!

Y/n Hey it's the other Part of Masamune!

Marle: Yes!

Lucca: We need someone to fix it through and this engraving is Archaic, but I think it says... Melchior.

Y/n: Melchior!? That's A Guy from 400 Yeras in the Future! from the festival! We need to see him Now!

Time Skip!

All Three of you were now on the Island of Fiends near the Cave where Melchior is.

Melchior: Yes, I Know how this sword was made. It is A Long story Indeed.

Y/n: Can you fix it?

Melchior: Yes, but the Problem is you need A Rare stone.

Marle: What Kind of stone?

Melchior: Dream Stones. The Problem is they no Longer exist, and you need to go very Far Back in time Just to find some.

Lucca/Marle: Hm?

Y/n: Girls we're going back in time!

All Three of you then Visited the end of time as you all ended going back in to 65 million years ago! The Time of the Dinosaurs!

You all then appeared in the air when suddenly you all fell to the ground!


Y/n: Did anyone get the number of that Bitch...?

Marle: Um, Y/n?

Y/n: Huh?

Lucca: Y/n!

Y/n: What is it?

Marle/Lucca: Reptiles!

Y/n: Of course, there are reptiles this is the time of the dinosaur- HOLY CRAP!

You were all surrounded by A Bunch of Reptilian Humanoids all equipped with Weapons and all that and you all had nothing to do but fight!

Just then this Happened...

A/n: Beginning-0:37! Also, you are Chrono here.

Lucca: Y/n? Y/n Are you Okay?

Y/n: Dear Lord she's Amazing...

Lucca/Marle: WHAT!?

Y/n: She's Perfect...

Lucca/Marle then did A Comedic Fall as she the Cavewoman then got back and pinned you to the wall and began feeling up your Muscles and judging you.

Y/n: (Blushing) I... Um... Ma'am, you could Just ask if you want to-?

???: You are Strong. Ayla Loves Strong Men.

Y/n: (Blushing) Oh So You're Name is Ayla?

Ayla: Me, Ayla, you ask? Yes, Me Ayla.

Ayla: Me, Ayla, you ask? Yes, Me Ayla

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She then Began Judging Marle and Lucca and she smiled.

Ayla: You two are Strong women. Ayla Loves strong Women!

Both of them Blushed as Ayla smiles!

Lucca: (Blushing) W-What!?

Marle: (Blushing) W-Wow!

Y/n: Hey Ayla do you know where we can find Stones?

Ayla: Stones? Stones everywhere! Get all the stones you want!

Y/n: I... Um... Thanks...

Ayla Just smiles and hugs you.

Ayla: Ayla Invites you all to Party at Village tonight!

Lucca: You Know what? That sounds like A Good Idea.

Y/n: Yeah, we got no leads, so we'll go with you.

Ayla: Good! Ayla knew she Loved all of you!

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