Attacks on Azala!/ The Arrival of Lavos!

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Soon after Traveling through the Portal, you had woken up to see A Pair of Beautiful Eyes Looking back at you only to see Ayla Looking back at you.

Y/n: A-Ayla!?

Ayla: Y/n, Hello! Good?

Y/n: Geez, What Happened?

You then Looked to see Marle and Frog getting up.

Marle: We were about to Kill Magus, but we went through A Gate.

Frog: A Terrible Turn of events.

Ayla: Oh Big Frog? Is that Food Gift for me?

Frog: What!? No! I am Not Food! Have you seen A Pale Faced Man with A Cape coming through here?

Ayla: No.

Frog: Damnit!

You all walked out to see The Entire Village burnt down.

Y/n: What Happened?

Ayla: Reptoids attacked and burnt down My Village and taking all Humans Prisoner. I am going to get revenge though.

Just then The Village elder appeared.

Elder: No! You no attack Reptoids yourself!

Ayla: Ayla doesn't need to listen to you! Ayla can do this herself!

Elder: No!

Ayla: Give Ayla Dactyl!

Elder: No!

Ayla: Fine! Ayla will do it herself!

Y/n: Ayla!

Ayla: Yes?

Y/n: I'm coming with you.

Ayla: Why?

Y/n: I can't let you go by yourself. I'm coming with you and I'm getting Robo too.

Ayla: (Blushing) Ayla Thank You.

Soon you had Gotten Robo and The Three of you had Begun flying off for the Reptoid Castle in the Mountains!

Ayla: Ayla Knows Her People are in here. We Must save them.

Y/n: Right.

Robo: Affirmative.

Ayla: Let's go.

You had all Began to run into the Castle as you had all began fighting against A Bunch of Reptoids and other Monsters they control, and soon you had Gotten to the Cages freeing people as you had all gotten to Kino!

Ayla: Kino!

Kino: Ayla!

You all then Freed him as he smiled.

Kino: Kino wants to help Ayla fight!

Ayla: No.

Kino: But-?

Ayla: Kino needs to stay behind if Ayla dies so that way Kino can be chief of Village.

Kino: Okay.

Y/n: Let's get going. We don't even know what's next.

All three of you continued on your journey as soon You all came across Nizbel once again!

Ayla: Nizbel!?

Robo: Data Scan... That is no Nizbel?

Ayla: Huh? 

Nizbel 2: I'm His Twin brother! Nizbel 2!

Y/n: Uncreative Name Aside let's Kick his ass. Lightning Blade!! Attack Now!

Ayla: Right! HAAAAAA!!

Robo: Rocket Punch!!

You had all quickly dispatched Nizbel 2, And you had all gotten to the room where Azala Is!


Azala: So this is where it is at Huh Hairless Apes? This Shall be our Final Battle. The Winner shall be the rulers of the earth!

She then ran off as you all chased after her and she stood on top of the Statue of A Giant dinosaur!

Azala: Meet the Tyranno! My Perfect weapon! Now Die!

She then Began controlling Ayla with Telekinesis sending her flying but you quickly stopped the Reptoid queen!

Y/n: Niitoryu: Dragon Twister!!


Y/n: Now for the dam Tyranno!

It then Began shooting out A Belt of Flames as you smiled!

Y/n: Fox Fire Style: Flame Rend: Crossing of the Six Paths!!

You then destroyed the Tyranno as you smiled!

Azala: Hehehe... It's all for not anyway...

Y/n: What do you mean?

Azala: The Red star is falling.

Y/n: Red Star?

You all Looked up to see A Red star flying for earth.

Ayla: The Legends are true.

Y/n: What do you mean?

Ayla: It said that red star will crash onto Land and then the world will be filled with Blackness, and then it shall be Ice and Snow. The Red star is Called Lavos.

Y/n: Wait! Lavos!?

Ayla: Yes. It is Lavos. La which means Fire and Vos which means Big.

Robo: Data Acquired: It is heading right here.

Y/n: Oh Crap!

Just then Kino rode up on A Dactyl smiling!

Kino: Hop on!

Y/n: Yes, Kino! Thank you! Quickly Azala hop on!

Azala: No... It is too late for me... I Lost... The earth is yours Now... Please Take care of it...

Y/n: Don't worry we will. 

You all then flew off as Lavos slammed into the Castle and it blew up destroying it leaving nothing, but A Huge Crater and you all then quickly Landed!

Y/n: LAVOS! He's down there! Come on we have to find him!

Ayla: Ayla can feel him. He's deep underground now. No way to get to him.

Y/n: Damnit! Damnit to all Hell!

Robo: Data Acquired.

Y/n: What is it now Robo?

Robo: I can sense that The Gates are being Opened by Lavos disrupting the space time continuum. We can enter this Gate and Maybe find Lavos.

Y/n: Good! Ayla are you ready to go?

Ayla: Yes, Ayla ready.

Y/n: Good Lets go.

You all then went through the Gate to Hoping to get into the Future.

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