More and More Robots!

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The Three of you had then Began to run for the hover car but suddenly you were all stopped by A Bunch of Robots and then A Motorcycle rolled in it then quickly Transformed into A Robot!

???: Ayo what are you all doing with the damn Hover Bike? 

Y/n: Who are you?

Johnny: Me? I'm Johnny, and I want to challenge you all to A Race!

Johnny (A Robot who can Take the form of A Motorcycle/ He is very New Aged and Loves to challenge People to races)

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Johnny (A Robot who can Take the form of A Motorcycle/ He is very New Aged and Loves to challenge People to races)

Marle: A Race?

Johnny: Yeah, A Race! If you Win you can take the Hover Car! Alright?

Y/n: Deal.

Marle: Y/n what are you doing?

Y/n: Guys I Know what I am doing!

Lucca: He's right we should trust him.

Johnny: Alright Bet! Let's do this home slice!

You all then got into A Race and you guys had all won by A Hair...

Johnny: Ayo! You guys are Quite Good! If you ever want to race again then hit me up!

He then drove off as you smiled.

Y/n: Nice Guy!

Marle: Yeah, I Guess so.

Time Skip!

You had all driven Towards the Site of the Gate only to see A Locked door and A deactivated Robot!

Lucca: A Robot? Let me see If I xan fix him.

She then Began Fixing it as soon it then woke up and he began examining you all.

???: I am so sorry Mistress for being Asleep. How May I help you?

Marle: Please cut that out you don't need to say that. What's your name?

???: Me? I have no Name, but you can refer to me by my Serial code which is R-66Y.

Lucca: R-66Y? Cool!

Marle: No! Not cool! We need to give him A Name!

Y/n: I say we call him Robo.

Robo: Robo? Name is Registered. I am Now Robo.

 I am Now Robo

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Y/n: So Robo how do we get past those doors?

Robo: We Must activate the Factory west of here, but we need to have someone back here to Open it.

Y/n: I say Marle should stay behind. Lucca can work the Machines.

Marle: Right, I can do that.

Y/n: Lets go Robo!

Robo: Yes, I shall do My Duty.

Soon you had all Traveled to The Factory where after Fighting A Bunch of Robots down the base of the Place as soon you came across the Core.

Robo: Here it is.

Lucca: Alright let me do my work.

She then activated the Power but suddenly A Bunch of shaking Happened!

Lucca: Huh!? What is Happening!?

Robo: The Security system has gone haywire. We Must leave now.

You all then began Making a Mistake when suddenly A Bunch of robots who Look like Robo showed up.

Robo: This... This is my friends! R-64Y! R-65Y! R-67Y! How are you-?

Just then One of the robots punched him to the ground!


R-64Y: R-66Y You have Failed in your Mission, You Now Must be Terminated.

Y/n: Oh, Hell No!! He's Far Better than all of You!

Lucca: Y/n What are you-?

Y/n: Gear 2!! Gum Gum Jet Hawk Gattling!!

You then destroyed all of the Robots Leaving Robo alive, as Robo looked at you.

Robo: You... Saved me?

Y/n: Of course, dude! Now Let's go!

You all then went back to the Door where Marle had Opened it and After Lucca had repaired Robot you had to ask him something.

Y/n: Hey Robo What do you want?

Robo: What Do I... Want? What do you want?

Y/n: We're Hoping to save the Future!

Robo: Save the Future? Then that is what I want. I want to change the Future and Save it.

Y/n/Marle/Lucca: Yeah!!/ Woohoo!

Lucca then Puts the Gate Key to the Gate and you all get sent back through Time again.

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