Pinstripe Potoroo's Hail Mary!

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Soon all 3 of you had Gotten into A Mob's Mansion where there were Plenty of Papers Lying around, Fancy Furniture, and even A Bunch of Paintings.

Y/n: Wow this Place Looks nice. I May Take some Inspiration from this Place.

Aku Aku: Child Focus! We Must be on Guard when Pinstripe Potoroo tries to-

Just then A Bunch of Bullets were fired as they All Began flying towards all three of you as you had Just pretty Much Grabbed them all, like they were nothing, but Tiny Balls, and you dropped them all to the ground.

Y/n: Holy Crap what was-?

Just then Pinstripe came out Holding A Tommy Gun and you all hid behind Furniture as he Began to let Loose and shoot A Hail marry of Bullets at all of you as He kept Jumping on the ground to shoot even more in Sweeping attacks!

Suddenly his Tommy gun than began to Jam as you attacked!

Y/n: Gum Gum Pistol!!

You then Punched him as he then Began to gun his work and Began shooting again!

Y/n: Crash attack when his Gun is Jammed!

Crash then Nods as you all then Began to attack him 4 More times and then he hit his head on the Light keeping the room bright as it shot Bullets everywhere and he then fell with the Light falling on his Head!

Y/n: Hm, He should be fine! Lets keep going. We're so Close to Cortex.

Crash: WAH!

Aku Aku: Good.

The Ultimate Shonen Jump hero (Book 9)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora