Shakedown Road's Stand! / Nut King Call!

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You and Joshu were continuing Down Shakedown Road as you kept hearing all about its History as A Man tried to use A Fruit to cure his wife, but it was too late, and Blah, Blah, Blah because Joshu is being A Pain in the Ass.

Joshu: I want to go Home! You got us into this!

Y/n: No The fuck I didn't! You stepped on the Toy!

Joshu: You Killed the Turtle!

Y/n: I DID NOT! Here we are finally at the Send-off Point.

You noticed A Big Breasted woman to who you were supposed to hand the Package as the Gangsters were following you and there were two guys as well.

Y/n: Okay Let me do the Talking. This is one of the Women Kind.

Joshu: Pfft, Sure. Let's watch you fall flat on your face.

You then walked over and began speaking to her.

Y/n: Hello Ma'am I have your Package.

You were about to Hand the package over when suddenly the two men appeared and Grabbed the Package revealing their badges!

Cop 1: Stop Police!

Cop 2: This is A Sting Operation!

Y/n: Um... JOSHU! RUN!


He then ran off as the three Gangsters chased after him!


You were now being interrogated by the Officers as they want to know what's in the Box.

Cop 1: What's the in Box?

Y/n: I don't know.

Cop 1: What do you know?

Y/n: Really? Hm... Well Never Trust a Dutch man in A Tulip Fight.

Cop 1: Right.

Y/n: Canada is training A Secret army of Sasquatches.

Cop 1: Uh-Huh.

Y/n: Tigers may Look cuddly, but they will Maul you if you turn your back to them.


Y/n: I don't know. I Said I don't know, I never knew, I Probably will never Know.


Just then the Second Cop walked in with the Package!

Cop 2: We Opened the Package! It's... Candy.

Cop 1/Y/n: Candy?

Cop 2: Yeah, It's Just Chocolates, Smarties, and even A Few Bags of Marshmallows.

Cop 1: Oh, We were wrong. You're free to go Mr. L/n.

Y/n: Thank you. Now I have to save A Dumbass.

Meanwhile with Joshu...

Joshu was suddenly teleported as he ran over the Leaves and the Gangsters caught up with him!

Joshu: Huh!? W-What was that!?

He then Looked to see Little Stands Hiding under the Leaves.

Les Feulies (The Stand of Shakedown Road/ They Are teleporting things amongst the Paths of Leaves)

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Les Feulies (The Stand of Shakedown Road/ They Are teleporting things amongst the Paths of Leaves)

Joshu: Wait, where you little guys messing with us?

Gangster 1: HEY THERE HE IS! 

Gangster 2: GET BACK HERE!



The 1st Gangster then Grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and is about to shank him when suddenly A Stand appeared!

Joshu: Huh!? W-Who are you!?

Joshu: Huh!? W-Who are you!?

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Nut King Call

The Stand Nut King Call Then Placed Nuts and bolts on the guy's hands and they then Popped off!

Gangster 1: W-WHAT!?!?!?

Joshu then ran off screaming.


And as soon as he was out of Range the Guys hand Reattached themselves but on the wrong sides!

Gangster 1: CURSE YOU!!


Yasuho was searching The Area you had first met her to try and find what has been Happening with everything, and she soon Found something under the Meditation Pine that Interests her.

Yasuho: Huh? Chests?

She then Found in one chest A Paper with the News of your Quick Disappearance and in the other one is A Newspaper about A Newborn who was found on the Beach washed up and had frostbite before it was found by A Fisherman and then Taken in.

Yasuho: Huh?

Before she can question anything else A Hand came out of the ground and Grabbed her Leg Pulling her underground as she tried to scream but all that was Left was one of her Sneakers.

Something is Truly Afoot.

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