Life Hack: Get A Free computer!

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Right now, you were at school walking through with Haruhi and Mikuru as you were A Little concerned about what she can be Planning.

Y/n: (Sigh) Haruhi what are you Planning?

Haruhi: Oh, That's Simple! I'm getting us A New computer!

Y/n: The Fact you need to Bring Mikuru scares me.

Mikuru: Y-Yeah Me too...

Haruhi: Oh, don't worry your Cute Little heads about it you two!

Soon Haruhi had Taken you both to the computer club room, where Haruhi had strutted in confidently.

Haruhi: Hello Computer Nerds! I have come for A New computer!

Computer Nerd 1: Huh? Who are you?

Haruhi: I am the Captain of the SOS Brigade! Right here is Thing 1 (Points at Mikuru) And Thing 2! (Points at you)

Y/n: I didn't Agree to that!

Haruhi: Look what we need is A New computer so give us one!

Computer Nerd 1: You except us to give you A Free computer?

Haruhi: Not Any Free computer! I wrote down the specs. (Clears Throat) Alright then we need A Windows Computer with 52 Gigabytes of Ram, A Super Powerful Processer, and All of the Fixings and works!

Computer Nerd 1: And you expect us to Just give it to you?

Haruhi: Yes.

Computer Nerd 1: No! We aren't Just giving you One!

Haruhi: Fine then. Mikuru come over here.

Mikuru then walked over, and she Pulled her Plan. She Grabbed the Guy's Hand and then pressed it up against Mikuru's chest to where he's Groping her!

Computer Nerd 1: HUH!?


Y/n: WOAH!

She then Tripped the Nerd and Mikuru as she Grabbed A Camera and began to Taking Pictures of them in Compromising Positions!

Computer Nerd 1: Huh!? W-What are you doing!?

Haruhi: Nu-Uh-Uh! If you don't hand over that computer than I'll send these Photos to everyone and say you Assaulted her!

Y/n: Why did I ever follow you? Seriously?

Computer Nerd 2: Hey! We saw everything! You faked it!

Computer Nerd 3: Yeah! We're witnesses!

Haruhi: Hm, Well I'll Just Go out and say you all Ganged up on her and you all raped her!


Haruhi: Now who are they going to Believe? An Innocent little girl, or A Bunch of Geeks who would totally do something like this?

Y/n: Okay are you even the Good Guy here?

Computer Nerd 1: Nrgh... Tch... Okay... You can Take a computer... We give up...

Haruhi: No. Now we want two.

Computer Nerd 1: HUH!?

Haruhi: You heard me. Cough those up, or You're all going to jail.

Computer Nerd 1: Nrgh... Ugh... Fine...

Haruhi: Perfect.

Y/n: Haruhi You're Evil...

Haruhi: Yeah, but you Love me for it.

Y/n: Eh, Okay that's True...

Haruhi: Perfect! Now while these Nerds get our computers Ready, we can do some other Fun things!

Y/n: Like What?

Haruhi: I have A Sexy Swimsuit for Mikuru, and it's very small~

Mikuru: (Blushing) O-Oh My!

Y/n: (Slight Nosebleed) God damnit Haruhi...

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