Katsuragi's New Jutsu!

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We Open back up at the Mansion as you were sitting on the Living room couch Just reading A Book on Jutsu when suddenly You felt A Pair of Boobs press up back against your head.

Katsuragi: Hey there Handsome~

Y/n: (Sigh) Hey Katsuragi.

Katsuragi: Hey Babe, Now I want to try and spar with you.

Y/n: Wait, why?

Katsuragi: Oh, I have been learning A Few New Techniques I've been wanting to Try.

Y/n: Is it to Grope Boobs? Because You're really good at that.

Katsuragi: Ha! Yep! But I also have Some new stuff to show off, so you want to spar or not?

Y/n: Eh, Sure. Why not? I can always Use some more Practice.

Later at the Mansion's Training Field...

Y/n: Alright Katsuragi The rules are simple. We fight until one of us goes down or are Knocked out of the Field. You know the Typical Tournament Rules.

Katsuragi: Right, Got it!

Y/n: Then Begin!

Katsuragi then Charged at you as she then Began Unleashing Hundreds of Kicks at you!

Katsuragi: Take this!

You then Began to Block every attack with your hand, but you slowly began to realize that she was Pushing you back as your Feet slowly slid into the ground!

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You then Began to Block every attack with your hand, but you slowly began to realize that she was Pushing you back as your Feet slowly slid into the ground!

Y/n: (Thoughts) Holy Crap did she get stronger!? I Know she has those weighted Boots but seriously!? (Out of thoughts) Let me show you A Kick of my own! Shave!! Tempest Kick!!

Katsuragi then dodged the attack as she Jumped into the air in the well and you came up behind her!

Y/n: Black Leg!!

You then slammed it into her Back, as she was Knocked back but she Just Jumped up and Did a Backflip landing on her feet, as she Just smirked.

Y/n: What are you smiling about?

Katsuragi: Oh, I Just wanted to show this Off!

Y/n: Huh?

Katsuragi: Wind Bullet Justu!!

Y/n: HUH!?

You then dodged the attack as it then slammed into the ground and you noticed what she is doing!

Y/n: You learned Jutsu!?

Katsuragi: Yep! Like Asuka and Homura!

Y/n: Yep, that explains it.

She then Got in your Face with A Glowing Fist!

Katsuragi: Explosion Release: Exploding Palm Jutsu!!

She then Blew it up in your face as you were sent flying back but you landed on your feet as you Began charging A Small Kamehameha.

Y/n: Kaaaaa.... Meeeeee.... Haaaaa... Meeeee....

Katsuragi: Take this!! Explosion Release: Landmine Fist!!

She then Threw her Fist into the ground Creating A Huge Shockwave as you then used teleportation to get right in front of her avoiding the shockwave!


You then Blasted her Point Blank and she was Knocked out of the Field!

Y/n: I win.

Katsuragi: Wow, that's amazing! How did you do that?

Y/n: I used that on A Bug Android. Long Story. You see...

Katsuragi then got from behind and Began Hugging you her Boobs wrapped around your head as she rested on your back, Legs wrapped around your waist.

Katsuragi: (Blushing) You were saying?

Y/n: (Blushing) God damnit Katsuragi...

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