The Life of An Starving Artist!

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You were Sitting in your room Just Playing with your new Digital Art Equipment to try and make some new Stuff because you actually had some Free time.

Y/n: Oh, this is such A Nice Medium. I never really had done Digital Art before, so this has to be Great!

You then Began working on the Drawing Pad when suddenly the door Opened.

Y/n: Mom I swear I already had enough snacks! I still got those Deep-fried Oreo's!

???: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Huh? Oh, Hey Audrey, Hanyaa, Maty. I was Just working on my new digital Art.

Maty: So, Y/n What are you Making?

Maty (She is the Calmest and Generally Most sane of the 3 girls here/ She is Usually the one to diffuse situations and she even acts as A Voice of Reason)

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Maty (She is the Calmest and Generally Most sane of the 3 girls here/ She is Usually the one to diffuse situations and she even acts as A Voice of Reason)

Y/n: Oh, It's something really Good! See?

You then showed an Image you made of A T-Rex Riding a Canoe, but it can't reach the Oars!

Y/n: See? Good, Huh?

Audrey: Yeah, Sure.

Audrey (She is The Butt monkey of the Three girls, and she is always dealing with other Peoples Bull crap/ She is The Most Obviously in love with you, but She's Usually stopped from saying her feelings/ She also works as A Waitress as well)

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Audrey (She is The Butt monkey of the Three girls, and she is always dealing with other Peoples Bull crap/ She is The Most Obviously in love with you, but She's Usually stopped from saying her feelings/ She also works as A Waitress as well)

Y/n: Okay I'm sure this is not the best thing I've ever done. Shit I had made Michelangelo's David from A Tap of A Marble Block! I posted this shit on Twitter for crying out Loud!

Hanyaa: Hanyaa Likes it!

Hanyaa (She is A Demon who was born, and Raised in Hell/ She has demonic Powers, A Resistant a Heat, and is A Total troll)

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Hanyaa (She is A Demon who was born, and Raised in Hell/ She has demonic Powers, A Resistant a Heat, and is A Total troll)

Y/n: You wrote Cringe.

Hanyaa: I take my Job very seriously.

Y/n: Look At this! Look at this! This is Far better than mine!

Audrey: Look Y/n your Digital art is still awesome!

Y/n: No, it isn't...

Maty: Hey, look of course it is. I mean Everyone improves at their own Pace.

Hanyaa: Well, what's that?

Y/n: Oh, it can't be that Good. It was made by A Thirteen Year Ol- Oh My God!

It was A Masterpiece of Keanu reeves Touching the Hand of Gigachad God.

Y/n: You Know what? They're also A Lot of Hentai Online as well.

Hanyaa: Neat!!

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